Using a specific TCP/IP stack

If you require IBM® MFA to have affinity with the TCP/IP stack of your choice, establish affinity using BPXTCAFF.

About this task

A program can associate a socket with a specifically-named transport. This is called transport affinity. If you require IBM MFA to have affinity with the TCP/IP stack of your choice, establish affinity using BPXTCAFF. (See z/OS UNIX System Services Planning for a description of BPXTCAFF.)

The BPXTCAFF program must run prior to the programs that initialize the IBM MFA address spaces. Both started tasks must use the same transport.

Note: You copied AZF#IN00 and AZF#IN01 to the PROCLIB from which you run started tasks in Copy SAZFSAMP(AZF#IN00) and SAZFSAMP(AZF#IN01).


  1. Edit AZF#IN00 and uncomment the job step that invokes BPXTCAFF before AZFSTCMN. Specify the desired transport with the PARM= keyword, which must be 1 to 8 uppercase characters.
    //STEP0    EXEC PGM=BPXTCAFF,                                             
    //             PARM=TCPIP2                                                
  2. If you configured the web services configuration attributes as described in Configuring IBM MFA web services configuration attributes, edit AZF#IN01 and uncomment the job step that invokes BPXTCAFF before AZFSTCWS. Specify the same transport you used in Step 1.
    //STEP0    EXEC PGM=BPXTCAFF,                                             
    //             PARM=TCPIP2                                                
  3. Save the changes.
  4. Ensure that the AT-TLS profile you create in Configure an AT-TLS profile reflects this TCP/IP stack.
  5. Restart the edited tasks, as described in Start the IBM MFA services started task and Start the IBM MFA web services started task, respectively.