IBM MFA examples
IBM® MFA includes comprehensive examples that you can use to configure IBM MFA.
Follow the instructions in the examples to specify your installation-specific settings. The following examples are provided:
- Preparing to manage STC and factor settings using the MFADEF and FACILITY classes.
- Preparing IBM MFA to use PKCS#11 for cryptography, using the CRYPTOZ and CSFSERV classes.
- MFADEF policy configuration examples.
- Creating an example Public Key Infrastructure using RACF®,
consisting of
- A new CA certificate, the root of trust for IBM MFA services and users.
- A new end-entity certificate for IBM MFA web services.
- Sample AT-TLS rule definitions for IBM MFA. This
example includes a sample AZFClientRule rule that you can use with the following authentication factors:
- AZFLDAP1 (when connecting to a secure LDAP port)
- AZFRADP1 (when using RADIUS over TCP)
- Sample AT-TLS rule definitions for IBM MFA. This
example includes a sample AZFClientRule rule that you can use with the following authentication factors: