Start the IBM MFA web services started task

If you configured the IBM® MFA web services started task, you must start it.

Before you begin

Important: In a sysplex environment where the RACF® database and ICSF TKDS are shared across member LPARs, the IBM MFA web services started task needs to run on at least one LPAR in the sysplex. You can run the started task on all LPARs in the sysplex if you prefer.

If you have multiple instances of the IBM MFA server within a sysplex, it is reasonable to spread authentication requests between them. However, it is recommend that all connections for a specific client authentication request be sent to the same host.

When a web browser connects to IBM MFA, multiple connections to the IBM MFA web server are opened to download application objects. Spreading these connections, which all use the same host name, to different IBM MFA instances will not cause a problem if all instances are at the exact same release and service level. This requirement ensures that exactly the same IBM MFA files exist in the htdocs directory and will be served.

However, if they are not all exactly the same, the results of the authentication by the client will be unpredictable.


  1. To start the started task, enter the following operator command:
    S <STC Job Name>
    For example:
    S AZF#IN01
  2. Verify that the task started. The absence of errors in the SYSLOG indicates success.