Changing the caching mode C entries

IBM® MFA allocates the XCF notepad used for caching mode C as persistent, so that valid authentication tokens are preserved across a restart of IBM MFA. Because of this, you must take explicit action if you change the STC cache entries setting to a larger value.

The following z/OS command displays whether the IBM MFA notepad exists, the maximum number of notes allowed, and what systems are currently connected to an existing notepad:

where <name> is the STC cache name value.
You must take explicit action if you change the STC cache entries setting to a larger value. You can perform this task in two ways:
  • Change the IBM MFA STC cache name to a new value at the same time the cache entries is changed to a larger value. After doing this, then:
    1. Stop all instances of the IBM MFA STC that are sharing the cache.
    2. Use the z/OS display command to ensure that instances of the IBM MFA STC are not still active.
    3. Restart all instances of the IBM MFA STC that were stopped. A notepad with the new cache name and entries value will be allocated by the first instance that starts.
    4. At your convenience, delete the old, smaller, IBM MFA notepad. You can use the JCL found in SYS1.SAMPLIB(IXCNPDEL) for this purpose. The notepad name will be of the form AZF.MFACACHE.<old_name>.
  • Change the IBM MFA STC cache entries to a larger value. This value will be ignored until you perform the following steps:
    1. Stop all instances of the IBM MFA STC that are sharing the cache.
    2. Use the z/OS display command to ensure that instances of the IBM MFA STC are not still active.
    3. Delete the existing IBM MFA notepad. You can use the JCL found in SYS1.SAMPLIB(IXCNPDEL) for this purpose. The notepad name will be of the form AZF.MFACACHE.<old_name>.
    4. Restart all instances of the IBM MFA STC that were stopped. A notepad with the new cache entries value will be allocated by the first instance that starts.