Find terms that are used in this documentation.
- activation
- See USB hardware device activation.
- client configuration file
- A file (in XML format) used by zPDT® to obtain parameters to access both an SHK License Server and a UIM server. It is at
this location: /usr/z1090/bin/sntlconfig.xml .
A different client configuration exists for an LDK server.
- clientconfig
- A program (Linux® command) that can be used to change parameters in the client XML file.
- component
- A collection of z/OS® assets, such as volumes, data sets, CICS® resources, or DB2® resources, from an existing z/OS, z/OS instance, or the Extended ADCD package. A component is reusable with different components to create more than one image.
- emulator
- A component of ZD&T that emulates IBM Z® architecture with virtual I/O and devices on Intel™ x86-compatible platforms. It enables IBM® z/OS operating system, middleware and software for z/OS to run on Intel x86-compatible platforms without physical IBM Z platforms. It is intended for mainframe application demonstration, development, testing and education.
- emulator instance
- A ZD&T emulator instance provides a working environment that contains the z/OS core system as well as user-selected applications and z/OS subsystems in the target x86-compatible environment. Having multiple ZD&T emulator instances means that multiple independent ZD&T emulator environments are running in parallel.
- Extended Application Developers Controlled Distribution (ADCD)
- ZD&T Enterprise Edition also comes with the Extended ADCD package. The Extended ADCD package enables the enterprise users to use and develop their applications with the newest set of mainframe software packages, such as CICS, Db2®, IMS, z/OS, and JES2. You can select the software packages that you need, and provision the packages out of Extended ADCD to the target environment. For more information about Extended ADCD, see Extended ADCD reference.
- IBM License Key Server
- The license server used exclusively to share Rational® Token license entitlements among a set of IBM products.
- IBM License Server
- In zPDT, provides controlled access to multiple IBM software products and might be used along with zPDT license servers. The IBM License Server has no relation to zPDT license servers.
- identification
- A serial number and instance number, as stored by the z Systems® STIDP instruction. The instance number is similar to an LPAR number on a larger z Systems.
- image
- A collection of components that are packaged together as a single deliverable. An image contains the z/OS core system and user-selected z/OS applications and subsystems. An image is used to provision z/OS instances on target environments.
- instance
- A z/OS instance that is running on a target environment from a created image.
- instance number
- A number in the range of 1 and 255 assigned to each z/OS instance on a base Linux machine. Each z/OS instance must operate under a different Linux user ID and the instance number is assigned to the user ID. The instance number is used in the same manner as the LPAR number on a larger z Systems.
- license
- The product entitlement that you purchased and the corresponding terms and conditions under which use is allowed.
- license entitlement
- The IBM License Key Center interface and the quantity of entitlement parts purchased.
- license key file
- A file that represents the user’s license entitlement. License key files must be obtained, installed, and available to operate the product.
- license monitor
- A web browser interface that displays information about Sentinel Keys and clients that use them. It is accessed at port 7002 on a Linux system that runs a license server, but might not be functional on recent Linux distributions.
- license server
- The remote server that is set up to distribute authentication from a single high-capacity USB hardware device to remote instances of the product as an alternative to attaching discrete USB hardware devices to each computer that hosts one or more instances of the product.
- local mode
- A situation in which a remote license server and a UIM server are not used. zPDT obtains its serial number from the local UIM database. The client configuration XML file specifies localhost as the Contact Server. In local mode, the serial number might be a previously assigned number from a server or from a token. If an existing serial number is not present, the serial number is taken from the local token.
- local to remote
- A situation in which the serial number (in the local client database) was previously obtained from a local token, but zPDT is now configured to run with remote servers. If the remote license server determines that the serial number is valid and not being used elsewhere, that serial number is used.
- product entitlement
- The terms and conditions under which the product can be run by the license.
- product license server
- See license server.
- provisioning tools
- Refers to a web UI with role-based access control and REST APIs. The provisioning tools ease the process of provisioning and managing your z/OS instances. With either the web UI or REST APIs, you can perform tasks including but not limited to:
- Extract artifacts, such as volumes and data sets, from existing IBM Z platforms to create components.
- Transfer components to the storage server.
- Build images from components.
- Provision z/OS instances of selected images to target environments.
- Manage and monitor components, images, and instances (also known as ZD&T emulator instances).
- random serial number
- A serial number that is unique, but is not tied to a token serial number. The UIM server
generates and assigns these numbers. A random serial number can be used (by zPDT) with a license from any token. Do not take the “random” word too literally; in this case it
means that tokens with serial numbers other than the one used to set the UIM serial number might be
used. It does not mean you can select a random number.
Regarding serial numbers that are assigned from a token, in some cases (such as a “simple local system”) the z Systems serial number that is used by zPDT is taken from the token.
- remote mode
- The zPDT instance obtains licenses and UIM identification from a remote license server and UIM server.
- remote to local
- A situation in which the serial number was previously assigned by a UIM server (and stored in the local client UIM database) and zPDT is now being used without remote servers. In this case, the previously assigned serial number is used and the serial number of the local token (which must be present to provide a license) is ignored.
- SafeNet
- The company that provides the USB keys and the software that directly supports them. The software includes the USB driver, the Software-based License Server, and a web interface to the Software-based License Server. The owning company is now Gemalto N.V., but the SafeNet name is used with the products that are described in this documentation.
- SafeNet Sentinel Key
- The USB “token” from the SafeNet company. This token provides zPDT license information.
- serial number
- A value in the range of 1 and 65535 (4 hex digits). The serial number is assigned by the UIM function to the base Linux and used by zPDT to provide the z Systems serial number.
- server configuration file
- A file (in XML format) used by the SHK Sentinel Key Server to obtain networking and logging parameters. It is at this location: /opt/safenet_sentinel/common_files/sentinel_keys_server/Sntlconfigsrvr.xml
- software-based license server
- The remote ZD&T that distributes authentication by using software-based license keys.
- software-based license server update file
- The specific license key file that is generated in the IBM License Key Center and installed on a software-based license server by using an update_license command. This file is used for software-based licensing.
- source environment
- The environment where ZD&T users extract components.
- storage server
- ZD&T Enterprise Edition stores extracted information on the intermediary storage machine, for example, FTP or SFTP server. Extracted information is never deleted from the storage server until the information is manually deleted, which enables you to provision as many as machines that you want based on your license entitlement. You need to prepare such a storage server and ensure enough storage on the storage server to hold the required artifacts.
- target environment
- An Intel x86-compatible environment that is capable of running one or more z/OS instances.
- time cheat
- The Sentinel Key records the current date and time each time the key is accessed. If the Linux system clock contains a time earlier that the last recorded time in the token, the license is unusable.
- token
- See USB hardware device.
- token serial number
- The license information in the token contains a unique serial number that is assigned by IBM. This serial number might be used as the basis for the z Systems CP serial number in some cases.
- UIM client
- Each Linux machine that runs zPDT has a client function. In a local operation, a remote UIM server might not be involved. The UIM client might operate solely from the local UIM database.
- UIM database
- A file that contains UIM information. The files are not directly editable. UIM databases are of two types. One exists in every Linux zPDT machine, and the other exists in a UIM server (if it is used). The local database (on a zPDT client) is at this location: /usr/z1090/uim/uimclient.db.
- UIM or unique identification manager
- A server (or local function of zPDT) that helps maintain unique enterprise-wide z Systems serial numbers for zPDT systems. The license server and the UIM server (or local function) are separate but parallel functions.
- UIM server
- A centralized service that maintains unique zPDT serial numbers for multiple zPDT machines within an enterprise. Clients access the server through TCP/IP. The server runs under a normal Linux user ID (and not under root).
- update file
- The specific license key file that is generated in the IBM License Key Center and applied to the USB hardware device to enable zPDT operation.
- USB hardware device
- The device that is required by ZD&T to operate the product. The zPDT Guide and Reference and z Systems emulator messages use the words token and tokens to refer to these hardware devices. In such places, you can find further reference to the 1091 token that is intended for use with the ZD&T offering.
- USB hardware device activation
- The condition of the hardware device and its readiness for operation with the emulator.
- USB server
- A driver that is provided by SafeNet to access tokens on USB ports. It operates as a Linux daemon and is installed when zPDT is installed.
- A universally unique identifier. It is obtained from the Intel machine BIOS. It is used to uniquely associate a UIM serial number with a particular machine.
- web server
- A server that enables ZD&T provisioning tools. It is a component of ZD&T Enterprise Edition.
- ZD&T z/OS Extraction Utilities
- A component of ZD&T Enterprise Edition to be installed on one or more IBM Z platforms to allow ZD&T to use such IBM Z platforms as source environments to extract z/OS, CICS, and Db2 resources.
- zPDT
- The IBM System z Personal Development Tool (zPDT) provides an environment with one or more IBM System z processors (with several emulated I/O device types), based on a personal computer Linux environment. As the name implies, it is intended for development and related purposes, such as education and demonstrations.