Subcommand: configure

The configure subcommand manages the configuration of secure communications between the Z APM Connect Distributed Gateway and the Z APM Connect z/OS agents, as well as the connections to any APM servers.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram sudo ./zapmctl configure--help-h--config-file-cconfig-file--verification-timeouttimeout
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram sudo ./zapmctl configure security--help-h--import-i--kafka-keystorekafka keystore path--kafka-truststorekafka truststore path
Flags (optional) Arguments Description
-h | --help N/A Prints the usage message and a description of any available options.
-c | --config-file config-file Specifies a configuration file to use. If unspecified, the default directory and file INSTALL_DIR/config/ibm_zapm.cfg is used.
--verification-timeout timeout Specifies the timeout value in seconds used in verifying credentials and connectivity with the specified APM vendor.
security See Subcommand: configure security. Configures z/OS TLS Security.

Configuring Listening Ports

If the listening ports need to be changed, they can be updated manually in the configuration file. The default configuration file is in the <install_dir>/config/ibm_zapm.cfg directory.

Listening for all connections from Z APM Connect Base: 30455
Listening for all connections from z/OS Connect EE or CICS Transaction Gateway components: 30090

Configuring AppDynamics connections

The configure subcommand when called without any extra arguments can be used to configure connections to supported APM vendors:
Z APM Connect Configuration Options
1) Configure <APM Vendor> Connections
2) Configure z/OS Security
3) Exit Configuration

If no option to configure APM connections exists, ensure that an APM vendor is noted in the config file under the value APM_VENDORS. An APM vendor may also be chosen or changed at any time by running the install subcommand.

Multiple AppDynamics controllers can be configured if required, up to 25. The controller information is stored in the configuration file (default: INSTALL_DIR/config/ibm_zapm.cfg) and may be manually edited if configuration without using zapmctl is desired.

Configuration information

When configuring AppDynamics, the following information will be required:
  • A unique name for the Controller. This is not provided by AppDynamics and is primarily used for identifying the Controller within the Z APM Connect configuration and logging files.
  • The host name and port of the Controller to connect to.
  • The host name and port of any proxy being used, if applicable.
  • The AppDynamics account name for this Controller.
  • The AppDynamics Global Account Name for this Controller.
  • The AppDynamics Access Key for this Controller.
  • The username and password or OAuth token used to login to this Controller.
  • The signing certificate for the Controller, if applicable,

    If using TLS and the Controller uses a self-signed or internally-signed certificate, a user will need to add the signing CA certificate to validate the connection to the Controller. The certificate can be copied to <install_dir>/certs/HOSTNAME.pem, where hostname exactly matches the hostname of the Controller. Otherwise, the user will be prompted to import the certificate during configuration if the Controller's certificate is unable to be verified. The certificate must be in Base64 encoded .pem format.

    For more information, see the AppDynamics documentation.

Successful APM connection configuration

After successfully creating, updating, or deleting an APM connection, the following messages will be displayed:
Added/Updated/Deleted connection <name> from <config-file>.