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How to Convert an APG from Model 1 to Model 2

When you create an application group (APG), you need to choose between the two options for the model attribute: 1 or 2. By using a model 2 APG, you can define the group behaviors by assigning roles and role numbers to the group members, and define the move behavior of a MOVE APG by selecting from the human-readable move scenarios. In contrast, a model 1 APG uses complex preference values to define the group behaviors.

Starting from Z System Automation 4.3, you can automatically convert certain MOVE and SERVER application groups from model 1 to model 2 in seconds, without the need to manually convert it. You can perform the conversion by using the new CONVERT or CV command on the application group's Entry Name Section panel.

This conversion tool (CONVERT command) uses the existing preference values of the group members to convert them to corresponding roles and role numbers. If it's a MOVE group, the conversion tool also automatically generates corresponding values of the MOVE Behavior and MOVE Back from SECONDARY fields. After conversion, the groups will behave as a model 2 group, maintaining the original features unchanged.

What APGs can be converted?

You can use this conversion tool to covert only MOVE or SERVER APGs. BASIC APGs are not supported, as BASIC APGs' default models are 1.

If certain MOVE or SERVER groups don't meet the conversion criteria, the conversion will fail. In that case, a "Conversion unsupported" message will show up on the panel. You can press PF1 to check the conversion failure reason.
Figure 1. An example "Conversion unsupported" reason

Usage scenario

Suppose you're going to convert a MOVE APG that is named IMS1_FDBR_X from model 1 to model 2.

  1. Before you convert the IMS1_FDBR_X APG into model 2, check its current model. On the application group's Entry Name Selection panel, enter info on the Action column against the IMS1_FDBR_X group. The displayed Application Group Information panel shows that the current model of this group is 1.
  2. Press PF3 and the Policy Selection panel is displayed.
  3. Check the group members and their preference values of the APG. On the Policy Selection panel, enter s on the Action column against the RESOURCES policy item. The displayed Select Resources panel shows that each group member has a preference value to control the group behaviors.
  4. Press PF3 twice to go back to the Entry Name Selection panel.
  5. On the Entry Name Selection panel, enter convert or cv command against the IMS_FDBR_Z group to convert it to model 2. The Confirm Conversion panel is displayed that shows the Move Behavior and MOVE Back from SECONDARY values be converted to, the reason of the conversion, and the corresponding roles and role number of each member to be converted to.
  6. To confirm the conversion, press ENTER. If the conversion is processed successfully, a "Conversion Successful" message is displayed at the upper right corner of the Entry Name Selection panel.
  7. Verify the converted APG Model value in the APPLGROUP INFO policy item. The model of the APG is now converted to 2.
  8. Verify the group's member details in the RESOURCES policy item. After conversion to model 2, each resource in this APG has a role and role number that are calculated by the conversion tool. For this MOVE APG, it also has the Move Behavior and Move Back from SECONDARY values generated automatically.

The IMS1_FDBR_X group is successfully changed to model 2. It's move behaviors are not changed, but are now controlled by human-readable move scenarios, roles, and role numbers, instead of previous complex preference values.

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