Running the Log Forwarder
To start the Z Common Data Provider Log Forwarder, you use the Log Forwarder started task. If you are collecting NetView for z/OS® message data, the NetView message provider must also be active. The NetView message provider is started as a started task by using the REXX module HBONETV.
Before you begin
Create the Log Forwarder started task, as described in Customizing the Log Forwarder started task to collect z/OS log data.
If you configure a NetView Netlog data stream for gathering NetView for z/OS message data, also configure the NetView message provider to monitor and forward NetView for z/OS messages to the Log Forwarder, as described in Preparing to collect NetView log data. You can start the REXX module HBONETV from the command line of an existing NetView user ID, or create a new NetView user ID to support the running of this REXX module. Always start the NetView message provider after the Log Forwarder is started for the first time.
If you configure a z/OS SYSLOG data stream for gathering z/OS SYSLOG data from a user exit, you must install either the HBOSYSG or HBOMDBG user exit, as described in Installing the user exit for collecting z/OS SYSLOG data.
About this task
You use z/OS console commands to control the operation of the Log Forwarder, including to start, stop, or view status or configuration information for Log Forwarder data streams.
For more information about Log Forwarder data streams, including the correlation between the sources from which the Log Forwarder gathers data and the data streams that can be defined for those sources, see Configuration reference for data gathered by Log Forwarder.
- After the Log Forwarder is started, it should not stop until you stop it. If it does stop without your stopping it explicitly, review the Log Forwarder job log output for possible errors.
- When migrating to the new Log Forwarder PROC, it is important to pick one way and not to mix the JCL. It is recommended to use the new PROC for all new jobs. Mixing the old and new JCL can lead to unpredictable results.