Starting and stopping the software containers

This topic describes how to start and stop the container-based services such as the Z Data Analytics Platform and the Problem Insights server.

About this task

  • To initiate all the container-based services, run the following commands from a Linux® terminal session:
    cd <ZOA_HOME>
    ./bin/ up
  • To terminate all the container-based services, run the following commands from a Linux terminal session:
    cd <ZOA_HOME>
    ./bin/ down
  • To view the log output from service containers, for example, in the case of a service failure, run the following commands from a Linux terminal session:
    cd <ZOA_HOME>
    ./bin/ logs SERVICE
    If you do not specify the SERVICE, the command will provide the log output from all the available service containers.
  • To view the status of service containers, run the following commands from a Linux terminal session.
    cd <ZOA_HOME>
    ./bin/ ps SERVICE SERVICE ...
    If you do not specify the SERVICE, the command will provide the status of all the services.
  • To stop running containers, run the following commands from a Linux terminal session.
    cd <ZOA_HOME>
    ./bin/ stop SERVICE SERVICE ...
    If you do not specify the SERVICE, the command will stop all the services.
  • To start stopped containers, run the following commands from a Linux terminal session.
    cd <ZOA_HOME>
    ./bin/ start SERVICE SERVICE ...
    If you do not specify the SERVICE, the command will start all the stopped services.
  • To restart running containers, run the following commands from a Linux terminal session.
    cd <ZOA_HOME>
    ./bin/ restart SERVICE SERVICE ...
    If you do not specify the SERVICE, the command will restart all the running services.
  • To gather must-have documentation for IBM® Software Support, run the following commands from a Linux terminal session:
    cd <ZOA_HOME>
    ./bin/ gather
Note: The stop, start and restart commands will not result in a reinitialization of service containers in case configuration parameters have changed. To allow configuration changes to take effect, you must terminate all the services with the down command and reinitialize them with the up command. To allow the configuration changes for a single service to take effect, you can run the following command:
./bin/ up SERVICE
If you are a Podman user, configuration changes cannot be picked up through a single command. Instead, run the following sequence of commands to update configuration changes for a single service:
./bin/ stop SERVICE
podman rm zdap-SERVICE
./bin/ up SERVICE


After you install and initialize the container-based services, you can verify that all services started successfully. To verify that all services started successfully, run the following command:
./bin/ ps
If you use the default environment settings, you will see output similar to the following:

NAME                    IMAGE                                                  COMMAND                 SERVICE          CREATED             STATUS              PORTS
zdap-dashboards         ibm-zaiops/zdap-dashboards:5.1.1-19-s390x        "/usr/bin/tini -- /u…"       dashboards     11 minutes ago        Up 10 minutes      
zdap-parser             ibm-zaiops/zdap-parser:5.1.1-19-s390x            "/usr/local/bin/dock…"       parser         11 minutes ago        Up 11 minutes      
zoa-auth                ibm-zaiops/zoa-auth:5.1.1-19-s390x               "/opt/jboss/tools/do…"       auth           26 minutes ago        Up 26 minutes>8443/tcp 
zoa-datastore           ibm-zaiops/zoa-datastore:5.1.1-19-s390x          "/tini -- /usr/local…"       datastore      20 minutes ago        Up 20 minutes      
zoa-gateway             ibm-zaiops/zoa-gateway:5.1.1-19-s390x            "./"                  gateway        31 minutes ago        Up 30 minutes>8085/tcp
zoa-kafkabroker         ibm-zaiops/zoa-kafkabroker:5.1.1-19-s390x        ""       kafkabroker    16 minutes ago        Up 16 minutes>9092-9093/tcp
zoa-piserver            ibm-zaiops/zoa-piserver:5.1.1-19-s390x           ""       piserver       14 minutes ago        Up 14 minutes        
zoa-service-discovery   ibm-zaiops/zoa-service-discovery:5.1.1-19-s390x  "//usr/local/bin/dock…"      discovery      31 minutes ago        Up 31 minutes      
zoa-zookeeper           ibm-zaiops/zoa-zookeeper:5.1.1-19-s390x          "docker-entrypoint.s…"       zookeeper      16 minutes ago        Up 16 minutes        

Ensure that the STATUS column shows Up for all containers.