Coexistence with IBM Z Anomaly Analytics

IBM Z® Operational Log and Data Analytics and IBM Z Anomaly Analytics use many of the same components. This section describes the components that can be shared between both solutions and the steps that you must complete if you want to deploy both solutions in the same environment.

General considerations

The following components can be shared between IBM Z Operational Log and Data Analytics and IBM Z Anomaly Analytics:

Z Common Data Provider
All components of the Z Common Data Provider can be shared between Z Operational Log and Data Analytics and Z Anomaly Analytics to the extent that they are suitable for satisfying the use cases for which the solutions are employed. The components include the System Data Engine, the Log Forwarder, the Data Streamer, and the Configuration Tool.
Common services
The common services that can be shared between Z Operational Log and Data Analytics and Z Anomaly Analytics include the Problem Insights server, the Keycloak authentication service, gateway service, Kafka broker, Zookeeper, datastore and other services. Beginning with 5.1 Fix Pack 10 of Z Operational Log and Data Analytics and Z Anomaly Analytics, the common services are provided on the Common media and can be shared between both products.

Special planning considerations

Deciding on what Z Common Data Provider components to install
When you deploy Z Operational Log and Data Analytics and Z Anomaly Analytics in the same environment, it is most efficient to use the classic Z Common Data Provider architecture that consists of the following components:
  • One Data Streamer instance per each z/OS LPAR on which data is collected
  • One Log Forwarder instance per each z/OS LPAR on which log data is collected
  • One System Data Engine instance per each z/OS LPAR on which other (non-log) data is collected
  • One Configuration Tool instance for the entire z/OS environment
Hardware requirements for the software container-based components
If you plan to install the software container-based components of both solutions on a single system, take into account the cumulative hardware requirements for all of the following features:
  • From Z Operational Log and Data Analytics:
    • Z Data Analytics Platform
    • Common services
  • From Z Anomaly Analytics:
    • Log-based machine learning system
    • Metric-based machine learning system (the components that are installed on Linux®)
    • Z Resource Discovery Data Service
    • Common services

Special installation considerations

The structure of the installation images for Z Operational Log and Data Analytics and Z Anomaly Analytics is cumulative. If you ensure that the contents of the installation images for both solutions are expanded into the same target file system, you can use the available installation scripts to process the extensions for the Problem Insights server that are provided by both solutions in a single process.
  • On z/OS, make sure that the ZFS parts of HGLA510, JZAA510, and JLDA510 are installed into the same ZFS file system.
  • On Linux, make sure that the following image files are extracted into the same working directory:
    • If you download the package from ShopzSeries:
      • LC28-3255 (common components)
      • LC28-3256 (Linux on x86_64) or LC28-3260 (Linux on s390x)
      • LC28-3252 (Linux on x86_64) or LC28-3259 (Linux on s390x)
    • If you download the package from IBM Fix Central:
      • 5.1.x.n-ZOA_COMMON-FP00xn.tar.gz
      • 5.1.x.n-ZAA_x86_64-FP00xn.tar.gz or 5.1.x.n-ZAA_s390x-FP00xn.tar.gz
      • 5.1.x.n-ZLDA_x86_64-FP00xn.tar.gz or 5.1.x.n-ZLDA_s390x-FP00xn.tar.gz

        Where x is the modification number and n is the fix pack number.

      For more instructions on how to extract multiple TAR files or ISO images into a single target directory, see Planning for deployment of the Problem Insights server and On Linux systems: preparation of installation media.

Special configuration considerations

If the Problem Insights server is installed on z/OS UNIX System Services, a gateway service instance and an authentication service instance are installed at the same time. Integration with the Problem Insights server is performed automatically as part of the configuration process. These services are suitable for the use of a z/OS-based Problem Insights server with both Z Anomaly Analytics and Z Operational Log and Data Analytics. However, they can not be used as a replacement for the gateway and authentication services embedded in the OCI container-based components running on Linux.