HBOB003E The z/OS® Log Forwarder cannot read progress information in the file with path name file_pathname.
The z/OS Log Forwarder records its progress in reading log data so that when it is restarted, it can resume at the point where it previously ended. This process ensures that no log data is missed even if the z/OS Log Forwarder is stopped. A file with the specified path name exists, but an I/O error occurred when the z/OS Log Forwarder was trying to read progress information from this file.
Review the z/OS Log Forwarder job log to determine the cause of, and correct, the problem. Then, restart the z/OS Log Forwarder.
If you manually delete the file, and restart the z/OS Log Forwarder, the z/OS Log Forwarder does not resume log data collection at the point where it previously ended. Rather, the data gatherers begin collecting log data at the time that the z/OS Log Forwarder starts.