DEFINE TABLE statement

The DEFINE TABLE statement defines how to create a virtual table to connect multiple updates with the same attributes. You can use DEFINE UPDATE statement to connect update definitions to the table definition.


DEFINE TABLE statement

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDEFINE TABLEtable_nameVERSIONversionFOR&IBM_UPDATE_TARGET&IBM_CORRELATIONAS &IBM_FILE_FORMAT GROUP BY( ,column-name:output-format:)FIELDS(,column-name:output-format:)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramINTEGERDECIMAL( n,m)FLOAT(8)(4)VARCHAR(50)( x)CHAR(20)( x)DATE:date-format:TIME:time-format:TIMESTAMP
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram(HHMMSS0HHMMSSF)


DEFINE TABLE table_name
Specifies the name of the table that you are defining to the System Data Engine. The table name must be unique and consistent with the customized System Data Engine data stream definition name that is defined in the Z Common Data Provider Configuration Tool.
VERSION version
Specifies the version for the table. The maximum length for this value is 18 characters. You might want to specify this optional value for troubleshooting purposes.
These parameters must be included as shown in the syntax.
GROUP BY column-name
Specifies the key fields for this table. These fields must be the same fields as any update definition that connects to this table. The name and order of these fields must be identical to the table and any of these updates.
Important: The GROUP BY clause must be consistent with that in DEFINE UPDATE statement.
FILEDS column-name
Specifies the fields required for this table. The column names are the names of the fields required for this table. The column-names must be the same as the names that have been defined in the update definitions that connect to this table.
Specifies the data type of columns to which the System Data Engine automatically converts.

Use Scenarios

This function is used to join fields from both non-repeated and repeated sections in a single record. You can define several update definitions to update the same table. Use one update definition to update the table with the fields from the common section (non-repeated section), and other update definitions to update the table with the fields from repeated sections. Use GROUP BY columns to define the key of row on how these fields can be joined together.

Warning: If you define the table with update definitions of different records, you might not get a complete record. Some fields may be empty due to the missing of some records at the time when the data is flushed.


The following example of DEFINE TABLE statement and DEFINE UPDATE statement specifies how the System Data Engine extracts data from SMF record type 74 subtype 4.

The table A_PM_CF_I is from two update definitions: A_PM_CF update definition is from the record SMF_074_4 repeat section R744SREQ, and A_PM_CF1 update definition is from the main record SMF_074_4.

DEFINE TABLE A_PM_CF_I                              
   FOR &IBM_UPDATE_TARGET                           
   AS &IBM_FILE_FORMAT                                 
   GROUP BY                                         
    PERIOD_NAME              CHAR (8),                                              
    MVS_SYSTEM_ID            CHAR (4),    
    REQ_ASYNC_NO             FLOAT,                 
    SYSTEM_NAME              CHAR (8),              
    CF_LEVEL                 SMALLINT);        
DEFINE UPDATE A_PM_CF                                                  
  VERSION 'CDP.510'                                               
  FROM SMF_074_4   SECTION R744SREQ                                    
  TO TABLE A_PM_CF_I                                                   
    T1                       = TIMESTAMP (SMF74DAT, SMF74IST) + (      
                              SMF74INT/2000) SECONDS,                  
    D1                       = DATE (T1),                              
    P1                       = VALUE (PERIOD (SMF74SID, D1, TIME (T1)) 
                              , '?')                                   
 GROUP BY                                                              
    PERIOD_NAME                = P1,                                                                  
    MVS_SYSTEM_ID            = SMF74SID                               
    REQ_ASYNC_NO             = SUM (R744SARC)                        
DEFINE UPDATE A_PM_CF1                                                 
  VERSION 'CDP.510'                                               
  FROM SMF_074_4                                                       
  WHERE SMF74RAN = 0 OR (SMF74RAN = 1 AND                              
  SMF74RSQ = 1)                                                        
  TO TABLE A_PM_CF_I                                                   
    T1                       = TIMESTAMP (SMF74DAT, SMF74IST) + (      
                              SMF74INT/2000) SECONDS,                  
    D1                       = DATE (T1),                              
    P1                       = VALUE (PERIOD (SMF74SID, D1, TIME (T1)) 
                              , '?')                                
 GROUP BY                                                              
   PERIOD_NAME                = P1,                                                              
   MVS_SYSTEM_ID            = SMF74SID                      
   SYSTEM_NAME              = FIRST (SMF74SNM),               
   CF_LEVEL                 = FIRST (R744FLVL)                