RMF III Report data

This reference lists the configuration values that you can update for the RMF III Report data.

Global Setting

User defined resume point
You can define the resume point for collecting OPERLOG data and RMF III report data in the Global setting window. The value should be an integer in the range -1 - 720. This value applies for all the OPERLOG gathers and RMF III report data gathers.
Note: The default value is 24, which indicates that the Data Collector collects data from 24 hours before the current time. If the resume point you specified is before the time that the Data Collector stops, the Data Collector collects data from when it stops.
  • If the value is set to -1, the Data Collector always collects data from the time it stops.
  • If the value is set to 0, the Data Collector collects data from the current time.

Data Resource Setting

Data source
You can define the specific data source that you want to collect in the Add/Edit data resource window. In this case, select RMFIII.
Data type (sysplex scope)
You can define the RMF types to collect at the sysplex level. The Data Collector supports the following sysplex level RMF III data types: CFOVER, CFSYS, CFACT, SPACEG, SYSSUM and CRYOVW.
Data type (LPAR scope)
You can define the RMF types to collect at the LPAR level. The Data Collector supports the following LPAR level RMF III data types: PROCU, DELAY, SYSINFO, CPC, DEVR, CHANNEL, ENCLAVE, STORC, STORF, STORR, STORM, and USAGE.
User defined resume point
The resume point for collecting OPERLOG data. The value should be an integer in the range -1 - 720.
  • The default value is 24, which indicates that the Data Collector collects data from 24 hours before the current time. If the resume point you specified is before the time the Data Collector stops, the Data Collector collects data from when it stops.
  • If the value is set to -1, the Data Collector always collects data from the time it stops.
  • If the value is set to 0, the Data Collector collects data from the current time.
  • If the value is not set, the Data Collector will inherit values from global settings.
  • If the value is set, it will override the value set in the global settings.
Topic Name
The topic name for RMF III Report data. The default value is IBM-CDP-zOS-RMF_{sourceType}, of which, sourceType will be parsed to RMF III Report data type: CFOVER, CFSYS, CFACT, SPACEG, SYSSUM, CRYOVWPROCU, DELAY, SYSINFO, CPC, DEVR, CHANNEL, ENCLAVE, STORC, STORF, STORR, STORM, and USAGE.
Output format
The output format of RMF III Report data collection. The value can be key-value or csv. The default value is csv.