Software requirements

To successfully install Z ChatOps, you must meet the software requirements considering operating system, runtime, database, chat platform, and data source.

Software prerequisites

  • Operating system:
    • Linux® on System x
    • Linux on System z®
  • Runtime: the runtime requirements vary depending on which kind of installation method you choose, Container or native installation.
    • Container installation:
      • Docker-ce 19.0.5 or later
      • Podman 3.3.1 or later
    • Native installation:
      • Node.js 16.13.2 or later
  • Chat platform:
    • Slack
    • Mattermost 6.4.1 or later
    • Microsoft Teams
  • Data source:
    • IBM® Service Management Unite or later
      Important: Z ChatOps retrieves IBM Z® automation and monitoring data via IBM Service Management Unite (SMU). You must install SMU and configure the integration before you can analyze and operate on IBM Z automation and monitor resource through Z ChatOps. See Configuring SMU data provider for Z ChatOps for specific steps. To know more about Service Management Unite (SMU), visit IBM Service Management Unite 1.1.9 on IBM Documentation.
      • Credentials for accessing automation domains must be configured in SMU if you want to query or manage automation resource in Z ChatOps.
      • IBM Z NetView® RESTful API server must be configured in SMU if you want to query or manage NetView resource in Z ChatOps. You must also log in SMU web console with your configured SMU functional user, for example, eezdmn. Click Administration > Explore NetView Domains to input and save your user ID and password to access your NetView RESTful API server.
        Figure 1. Explore NetView Domains
    • Dynamic Workload Console 9.5 or later
      Important: Z ChatOps retrieves IBM Z workload scheduling data via Dynamic Workload Console. You must install Dynamic Workload Console and configure the integration before you can analyze and operate on IBM Z workload scheduling related resource through Z ChatOps. See Configuring SMU data provider for Z ChatOps for specific steps. To know more about Dynamic Workload Console, visit IBM Z Workload Scheduler on IBM Documentation.