Configuration for sending events to other applications

The Problem Insights server can be integrated with a separately installed event management system, a web-based event management service, IBM Z ChatOps, or an email server. Event notifications can be forwarded for both log-based and metric-based machine learning insights.

Configuration of secure communication between the common services and the event destinations

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is enabled by default for all inbound communication for the common services. However, to secure the outbound communication path, when you integrate IBM Z Anomaly Analytics with other services (such as event destinations) for outbound communication, you might need to import certificates that are issued for those other services. For more information, see Configuring secure communication with external services.

Event forwarding to event management systems and services

The following event management systems or services are supported:

Event forwarding to IBM Z ChatOps

IBM Z ChatOps (which represents chat-based operations) is a collaboration model that connects people, processes, tools, and automation in a seamless and transparent way through a chat platform and extensive use of specialized chatbots. It can help IT operations teams improve service reliability, service recovery time, and collaboration efficiency.

The Problem Insights server can be integrated with IBM Z ChatOps. For more information, see Preparing IBM Z ChatOps to receive events from the Problem Insights server.

Event forwarding to email servers

The Problem Insights server can be integrated with an email server so that email notifications can be sent to specified email addresses. You can also enable SMS text message notification by configuring an email-to-text gateway as the email server. For more information, see Preparing an email server to receive events.

You can also enable text message notification via the Short Message Service (SMS) or Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) by configuring an email-to-SMS gateway or email-to-MMS gateway that is provided by your mobile service provider as the email server.