PDF format documentation for XL C/C++ for AIX, V13.1.2

You can download the PDF format documentation for XL C/C++ for AIX, V13.1.2 using the links in the below table. To ensure that you can access cross-reference links to other XL C/C++ for AIX PDF documents, download the manuals you use into the same directory on your local machine, or download and unzip all manuals in a compressed file.

Title Description Intended audience
[PDF]All manuals Contains all product documentation files in a compressed file. Users who intend to download all the product documentation files at once.
[PDF]Getting Started Contains an introduction to XL C/C++, with information about setting up and configuring your environment, compiling and linking programs, and troubleshooting compilation errors. C and C++ developers who are looking for introductory overview and usage information for XL C/C++. It assumes that you have some familiarity with command-line compilers, basic knowledge of the C and C++ programming languages, and basic knowledge of operating system commands. Programmers new to XL C/C++ can use this document to find information about the capabilities and features unique to XL C/C++.
[PDF]Installation Guide Contains information for installing XL C/C++ and configuring your environment for basic compilation and program execution. Anyone who is responsible for installing, upgrading and uninstalling IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V13.1.2.
[PDF]Compiler Reference Contains information about the various compiler options, pragmas, macros, environment variables, and built-in functions. C or C++ developers who have some familiarity with the XL C/C++ compilers or other command-line compilers on AIX operating systems. It assumes thorough knowledge of the C or C++ programming language and basic knowledge of operating system commands. Although this information is intended as a reference guide, programmers new to XL C/C++ can still find information about the capabilities and features unique to the XL C/C++ compiler.
[PDF]Language Reference Contains information about language extensions for portability and conformance to nonproprietary standards. Users who want to learn about IBM extension features. Users can also access the list of standard features that the compiler currently supports.
[PDF]Optimization and Programming Guide Contains information about advanced programming topics, such as application porting, interlanguage calls with Fortran code, library development, application optimization, and the XL C/C++ high-performance libraries. Programmers building complex applications, who already have experience compiling with XL C/C++ and would like to take further advantage of the compiler's capabilities for program optimization and tuning, support for advanced programming language features, and add-on tools and utilities.
[PDF]Standard C++ Library Reference Contains reference information about the standard C++ runtime libraries and headers. C++ developers who compile C++ programs that call on functions from the Dinkum C++ Library.
[PDF]Legacy Class Libraries Reference Contains reference information about the USL I/O Stream Library and the Complex Mathematics Library. C++ developers who compile C++ programs that call on functions from the USL I/O Stream Library and the Complex Mathematics Library.