

Stores a vector to memory at the given address.


vec_st(a, b, c)

Result and argument types

The vec_st function returns nothing. b is added to the address of c, and the sum is truncated to a multiple of 16 bytes. The value of a is then stored into this memory address.

The following tables describe the types of the function arguments.

Table 1. Data type of function returned value and arguments (in 32-bit mode)
a b c
vector unsigned char int vector unsigned char*
unsigned char*
vector signed char vector signed char*
signed char*
vector bool char vector bool char*
unsigned char*
signed char*
vector unsigned short vector unsigned short*
unsigned short*
vector signed short vector signed short*
signed short*
vector bool short vector bool short*
unsigned short*
vector pixel vector pixel*
unsigned short*
vector unsigned int vector unsigned int*
unsigned int*
vector signed int vector signed int*
signed int*
vector bool int vector bool int*
unsigned int*
vector float vector float*
Table 2. Data type of function returned value and arguments (in 64-bit mode)
a b c
vector unsigned int int unsigned long*
vector signed int signed long*
vector unsigned char long vector unsigned char*
unsigned char*
vector signed char vector signed char*
signed char*
vector bool char vector bool char*
unsigned char*
signed char*
vector unsigned short vector unsigned short*
unsigned short*
vector signed short vector signed short*
signed short*
vector bool short vector bool short*
unsigned short*
vector pixel vector pixel*
unsigned short*
vector unsigned int vector unsigned int*
unsigned int*
vector signed int vector signed int*
signed int*
vector bool int vector bool int*
unsigned int*
vector float vector float*

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