Interim fix resource type
The fix pack resource type describes a fix pack resource that is created, updated, or deleted by WebSphere Automation.
Example interim fix created event
"type" : "CREATE",
"fix" : {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:49:29Z",
"createdBy" : "fix-manager",
"description" : "Vulnerability in Apache Log4j affects WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2021-44228 CVSS 9.8)",
"id" : "e11a1c74-49be-3441-9a0c-798bc30867d6",
"name" : "",
"updated" : "2023-06-12T10:49:29Z",
"updatedBy" : "fix-manager",
"appliesToVersions" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ],
"editions" : [ "nd" ],
"files" : [ ],
"lastQueried" : "2023-06-12T10:49:29Z",
"lastUsed" : "2023-06-12T10:49:29Z",
"platforms" : [ "linux-ppc64le", "linux-z9-and-zseries", "linux-pseries", "solaris-64-bit-sparc", "linux-64-bit-ia64", "hpux-64-bit-ia64", "linux-64-bit-zseries", "windows-64-bit-ia64", "linux-zSeries", "solaris", "linux-64-bit-pseries", "hpux", "linux-64-bit-x86-64", "zos", "solaris-64-bit-x86", "aix", "linux", "ibmi", "windows-64-bit-x86", "windows", "aix-64-bit-pSeries" ],
"productType" : "traditional",
"releaseDate" : "2021-12-12T18:11:14Z",
"status" : "not-downoaded",
"type" : "interim-fix",
"updateIds" : [ "" ],
"apars" : [ "PH42728" ]
Example interim fix updated event
"type" : "UPDATE",
"fix" : {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:47:40Z",
"createdBy" : "fix-manager",
"description" : "IBM WebSphere Application Server is vulnerable to remote code execution due to Dojo (CVE-2021-23450 CVSS 9.8)",
"id" : "98066355-1670-3abe-86dc-d4024b7f59ad",
"name" : "",
"updated" : "2023-06-12T10:53:05Z",
"updatedBy" : "fix-manager",
"appliesToVersions" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ],
"editions" : [ "nd" ],
"files" : [ {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:54:09Z",
"fileName" : "",
"fileSize" : 3761,
"description" : "Readme",
"hashAlgorithm" : "SHA-256",
"hashCode" : "87Pyosjx4e4TePDblDDy5WSB2xemNtE52u7JuRp5lXc="
}, {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:54:09Z",
"fileName" : "",
"fileSize" : 16642605,
"description" : "installable zip",
"hashAlgorithm" : "SHA-256",
"hashCode" : "/LcKMQgMQmPB4j9LoKlsXrToeSNul+PdWWxZIdQnTTM="
}, {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:54:09Z",
"fileName" : "",
"fileSize" : 64,
"description" : "sha256sum",
"hashAlgorithm" : "SHA-256",
"hashCode" : "uNVu3R/ZmII8l7Ru7iI5pJkmguBsaF9gJEPPs7K5dxM="
} ],
"lastQueried" : "2023-06-12T10:49:29Z",
"lastUsed" : "2023-06-12T10:53:05Z",
"platforms" : [ "linux-ppc64le", "linux-z9-and-zseries", "linux-pseries", "solaris-64-bit-sparc", "linux-64-bit-ia64", "hpux-64-bit-ia64", "linux-64-bit-zseries", "windows-64-bit-ia64", "linux-zSeries", "solaris", "linux-64-bit-pseries", "hpux", "linux-64-bit-x86-64", "zos", "solaris-64-bit-x86", "aix", "linux", "ibmi", "windows-64-bit-x86", "windows", "aix-64-bit-pSeries" ],
"productType" : "traditional",
"releaseDate" : "2022-03-03T21:27:36Z",
"status" : "downloaded",
"type" : "interim-fix",
"updateIds" : [ "" ],
"apars" : [ "PH43148", "PH42728", "PH42762", "PH34122" ]
"originalVersion" : {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:47:40Z",
"createdBy" : "fix-manager",
"description" : "IBM WebSphere Application Server is vulnerable to remote code execution due to Dojo (CVE-2021-23450 CVSS 9.8)",
"id" : "98066355-1670-3abe-86dc-d4024b7f59ad",
"name" : "",
"updated" : "2023-06-12T10:53:05Z",
"updatedBy" : "fix-manager",
"appliesToVersions" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ],
"editions" : [ "ND" ],
"files" : [ ],
"lastQueried" : "2023-06-12T10:49:29Z",
"lastUsed" : "2023-06-12T10:53:05Z",
"platforms" : [ "linux-ppc64le", "linux-z9-and-zseries", "linux-pseries", "solaris-64-bit-sparc", "linux-64-bit-ia64", "hpux-64-bit-ia64", "linux-64-bit-zseries", "windows-64-bit-ia64", "linux-zSeries", "solaris", "linux-64-bit-pseries", "hpux", "linux-64-bit-x86-64", "zos", "solaris-64-bit-x86", "aix", "linux", "ibmi", "windows-64-bit-x86", "windows", "aix-64-bit-pSeries" ],
"productType" : "traditional",
"releaseDate" : "2022-03-03T21:27:36Z",
"status" : "downloading",
"type" : "interim-fix",
"updateIds" : [ "" ],
"apars" : [ "PH43148", "PH42728", "PH42762", "PH34122" ]
Example interim fix deleted event
"type" : "DELETE",
"fix" : {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:47:40Z",
"createdBy" : "fix-manager",
"description" : "IBM WebSphere Application Server is vulnerable to remote code execution due to Dojo (CVE-2021-23450 CVSS 9.8)",
"id" : "98066355-1670-3abe-86dc-d4024b7f59ad",
"name" : "",
"updated" : "2023-06-12T10:54:52Z",
"updatedBy" : "wsa-runbook-runner",
"appliesToVersions" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ],
"editions" : [ "ND" ],
"files" : [ {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:54:09Z",
"fileName" : "",
"fileSize" : 3761,
"description" : "Readme",
"hashAlgorithm" : "SHA-256",
"hashCode" : "87Pyosjx4e4TePDblDDy5WSB2xemNtE52u7JuRp5lXc="
}, {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:54:09Z",
"fileName" : "",
"fileSize" : 16642605,
"description" : "installable zip",
"hashAlgorithm" : "SHA-256",
"hashCode" : "/LcKMQgMQmPB4j9LoKlsXrToeSNul+PdWWxZIdQnTTM="
}, {
"created" : "2023-06-12T10:54:09Z",
"fileName" : "",
"fileSize" : 64,
"description" : "sha256sum",
"hashAlgorithm" : "SHA-256",
"hashCode" : "uNVu3R/ZmII8l7Ru7iI5pJkmguBsaF9gJEPPs7K5dxM="
} ],
"lastQueried" : "2023-06-12T10:49:29Z",
"lastUsed" : "2023-06-12T10:54:52Z",
"platforms" : [ "linux-ppc64le", "linux-z9-and-zseries", "linux-pseries", "solaris-64-bit-sparc", "linux-64-bit-ia64", "hpux-64-bit-ia64", "linux-64-bit-zseries", "windows-64-bit-ia64", "linux-zSeries", "solaris", "linux-64-bit-pseries", "hpux", "linux-64-bit-x86-64", "zos", "solaris-64-bit-x86", "aix", "linux", "ibmi", "windows-64-bit-x86", "windows", "aix-64-bit-pSeries" ],
"productType" : "traditional",
"releaseDate" : "2022-03-03T21:27:36Z",
"status" : "downloaded",
"type" : "interim-fix",
"updateIds" : [ "" ],
"apars" : [ "PH43148", "PH42728", "PH42762", "PH34122" ]