Action resource types

Action resources are used to configure actions that are performed by WebSphere Automation in response to events occurring within the platform.

Example action created event

  "type" : "CREATE",
  "action" : {
    "created" : "2023-06-12T12:40:21Z",
    "createdBy" : "admin",
    "description" : "POSTs a notification to Slack when a vulnerability is created",
    "id" : "3668814e-3f4b-453c-b301-1ce161870bca",
    "name" : "Vulnerability Slack Notification Action",
    "updated" : "2023-06-12T12:40:21Z",
    "updatedBy" : "admin",
    "enabled" : true,
    "type" : "webhook",
    "configuration" : {
      "body" : "{ \"channel\": \"was-automation-demo\", \"blocks\": [ { \"type\": \"header\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"Vulnerability Detected\" } }, { \"type\": \"divider\" }, { \"type\": \"section\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"mrkdwn\", \"text\": \"{{icon}} WebSphere Automation detected a vulnerability for CVE <{{bulletinUrl}}|{{cveId}}> (CVSS base score {{cvssBaseScore}}) on {{#isJdk}}JDK *{{productName}}*{{/isJdk}}{{^isJdk}}server *{{serverName}}*{{/isJdk}} on host *{{hostName}}*.\" } }, { \"type\": \"divider\" }, { \"type\": \"section\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"mrkdwn\", \"text\": \"*CVE Information*\\n{{{@wsa_eq_cveSummary}}}\" } }, { \"type\": \"actions\", \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"button\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"View Bulletin\" }, \"value\": \"click_me\", \"url\": \"{{bulletinUrl}}\" }{{^isJdk}}, { \"type\": \"button\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"View All CVEs for {{serverName}}\" }, \"value\": \"click_me_123\", \"url\": \"{{serverId}}/vulnerabilities/cves\" } {{/isJdk}} ] }, { \"type\": \"divider\" } ] }",
      "contentType" : "application/json",
      "headers" : [ ],
      "method" : "POST",
      "targetUrl" : ""

Example action updated event

  "type" : "UPDATE",
  "action" : {
    "created" : "2023-06-12T12:40:21Z",
    "createdBy" : "admin",
    "description" : "POSTs a notification to Slack when a vulnerability is created",
    "id" : "3668814e-3f4b-453c-b301-1ce161870bca",
    "name" : "Vulnerability Slack Notification Action",
    "updated" : "2023-06-12T12:42:53Z",
    "updatedBy" : "admin",
    "enabled" : true,
    "type" : "webhook",
    "configuration" : {
      "body" : "{ \"channel\": \"was-automation-demo\", \"blocks\": [ { \"type\": \"header\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"Vulnerability Detected\" } }, { \"type\": \"divider\" }, { \"type\": \"section\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"mrkdwn\", \"text\": \"{{icon}} WebSphere Automation detected a vulnerability for CVE <{{bulletinUrl}}|{{cveId}}> (CVSS base score {{cvssBaseScore}}) on {{#isJdk}}JDK *{{productName}}*{{/isJdk}}{{^isJdk}}server *{{serverName}}*{{/isJdk}} on host *{{hostName}}*.\" } }, { \"type\": \"divider\" }, { \"type\": \"section\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"mrkdwn\", \"text\": \"*CVE Information*\\n{{{@wsa_eq_cveSummary}}}\" } }, { \"type\": \"actions\", \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"button\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"View Bulletin\" }, \"value\": \"click_me\", \"url\": \"{{bulletinUrl}}\" }{{^isJdk}}, { \"type\": \"button\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"View All CVEs for {{serverName}}\" }, \"value\": \"click_me_123\", \"url\": \"{{serverId}}/vulnerabilities/cves\" } {{/isJdk}} ] }, { \"type\": \"divider\" } ] }",
      "contentType" : "application/json",
      "headers" : [ {
        "name" : "Accept",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "method" : "POST",
      "targetUrl" : ""
  "originalVersion" : {
    "created" : "2023-06-12T12:40:21Z",
    "createdBy" : "admin",
    "description" : "POSTs a notification to Slack when a vulnerability is created",
    "id" : "3668814e-3f4b-453c-b301-1ce161870bca",
    "name" : "Vulnerability Slack Notification Action",
    "updated" : "2023-06-12T12:40:21Z",
    "updatedBy" : "admin",
    "enabled" : true,
    "type" : "webhook",
    "configuration" : {
      "body" : "{ \"channel\": \"was-automation-demo\", \"blocks\": [ { \"type\": \"header\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"Vulnerability Detected\" } }, { \"type\": \"divider\" }, { \"type\": \"section\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"mrkdwn\", \"text\": \"{{icon}} WebSphere Automation detected a vulnerability for CVE <{{bulletinUrl}}|{{cveId}}> (CVSS base score {{cvssBaseScore}}) on {{#isJdk}}JDK *{{productName}}*{{/isJdk}}{{^isJdk}}server *{{serverName}}*{{/isJdk}} on host *{{hostName}}*.\" } }, { \"type\": \"divider\" }, { \"type\": \"section\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"mrkdwn\", \"text\": \"*CVE Information*\\n{{{@wsa_eq_cveSummary}}}\" } }, { \"type\": \"actions\", \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"button\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"View Bulletin\" }, \"value\": \"click_me\", \"url\": \"{{bulletinUrl}}\" }{{^isJdk}}, { \"type\": \"button\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"View All CVEs for {{serverName}}\" }, \"value\": \"click_me_123\", \"url\": \"{{serverId}}/vulnerabilities/cves\" } {{/isJdk}} ] }, { \"type\": \"divider\" } ] }",
      "contentType" : "application/json",
      "headers" : [ ],
      "method" : "POST",
      "targetUrl" : ""

Example action deleted event

  "type" : "DELETE",
  "action" : {
    "created" : "2023-05-26T13:12:33Z",
    "createdBy" : "admin",
    "description" : "POSTs a notification to Slack when a vulnerability is created",
    "id" : "74313a6b-a163-4f7d-833b-31bf4f12670a",
    "name" : "Vulnerability Slack Notification Action",
    "updated" : "2023-05-26T13:43:37Z",
    "updatedBy" : "admin",
    "enabled" : true,
    "type" : "webhook",
    "configuration" : {
      "body" : "{ \"channel\": \"was-automation-demo\", \"blocks\": [ { \"type\": \"header\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"Vulnerability Detected\" } }, { \"type\": \"divider\" }, { \"type\": \"section\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"mrkdwn\", \"text\": \"{{icon}} WebSphere Automation detected a vulnerability for CVE <{{bulletinUrl}}|{{cveId}}> (CVSS base score {{cvssBaseScore}}) on {{#isJdk}}JDK *{{productName}}*{{/isJdk}}{{^isJdk}}server *{{serverName}}*{{/isJdk}} on host *{{hostName}}*.\" } }, { \"type\": \"divider\" }, { \"type\": \"section\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"mrkdwn\", \"text\": \"*CVE Information*\\n{{{@wsa_eq_cveSummary}}}\" } }, { \"type\": \"actions\", \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"button\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"View Bulletin\" }, \"value\": \"click_me\", \"url\": \"{{bulletinUrl}}\" }{{^isJdk}}, { \"type\": \"button\", \"text\": { \"type\": \"plain_text\", \"text\": \"View All CVEs for {{serverName}}\" }, \"value\": \"click_me_123\", \"url\": \"{{serverId}}/vulnerabilities/cves\" } {{/isJdk}} ] }, { \"type\": \"divider\" } ] }",
      "contentType" : "application/json",
      "headers" : [ ],
      "method" : "post",
      "targetUrl" : ""