Asset import report (DataStage)

The asset import report contains status information and error messages that you can use to troubleshoot your ISX import.

View the asset import report
You can review the asset import report in your browser, download the report as a .zip file, or obtain the report by using the command-line interface (CLI).
To view the report in your browser:
  1. Click the bell notifications icon bell icon.
  2. From the list of notifications, select the ISX file that you imported by clicking View import summary.
To download the report as a ZIP file:
  1. Open the report in your browser.
  2. Click Download as ZIP.
To download the report by using the Cloud Pak for Data CLI (cpdctl), use the dsjob migrate command. Use the --status command option to retrieve the status report. See the following example:
cpdctl dsjob migrate {--project PROJECT | --project-id PROJID} [--on-failure ONFAILURE] [--conflict-resolution CONFLICT-RESOLUTION] [--attachment-type ATTACHMENT-TYPE] [--import-only] [--create-missing] [--file-name FILENAME] [--status IMPORT-ID --format csv/json] [--stop IMPORT-ID]
Asset import report: status information
The import report contains status information about the assets that are included in the ISX file:
The total number of assets imported. These assets were created. However, especially for DataStage® flows, some compilation errors might need attention.
The total number of assets not imported. Each failed import is associated with one or multiple errors. The failed count does not include any compilation failures that are included by the "Compilation failed" status.
Compilation failed
The compilation process failed. This is frequently caused by missing parameter sets or other assets that are referenced in the DataStage flow.
Currently unsupported
The asset is not supported at the time of the import, but might be supported in a future release.
The asset is deprecated in the modern version of DataStage.
Dependency missing
Some assets that are referenced by a DataStage flow or pipeline do not exist in the project, or were not imported earlier. A missing dependency is likely to contribute to a compilation error. A DataStage flow might have multiple missing dependency objects. A missing dependency might appear in multiple DataStage flows or pipelines.
Common messages during the import process
During the process of importing jobs, you might encounter the following common messages:
Parallel job imported with warnings. The import created the following DataStage flow asset but could not create its associated job.
Due to some internal error in the flow or pipeline job creation step, a flow or pipeline job might not be created. An error message with more detailed information is included in the import status report.
Unsupported stage type
Some traditional DataStage stage types (or stage types with certain features) might not be supported in the modern version of DataStage. An “unsupported stage type” error is given for these stage types.
Unsupported secure gateway
The secure gateway feature is only available in the Cloud Pak for Data as a service (cloud) environment. For Cloud Pak for Data, an “Unsupported secure gateway” warning is given if the flow contains secure gateway parameters.
Deprecated (server jobs)
Server jobs are deprecated and not supported in the modern version of DataStage. In the import status report, server jobs are included in the asset list and marked with “deprecated.”
Empty Stage List
When a flow or container contains no stages, an empty stage list warning is given.
Unbound Reference
A reference to an activity variable (for pipelines only) can be made only to an activity that was defined in the execution path before the activity node that contains the reference. Otherwise, it is called an unbound reference. For all unbound references, DataStage creates more user variables for these references so that the import can succeed and functionality is not impacted. When this situation happens, an unbound reference warning is also given that some additional user variables have been automatically created by DataStage.
Assets that are created from parallel job and sequence job imports
The following table lists assets that are created when you parallel jobs and sequence jobs are imported.
Asset type Type label Assets created on import
Parallel job (pjb) px_job DataStage flow + job + connection (from connection properties that are embedded in the job definition)
Sequence job sequence_job Orchestration Pipelines flow + job
Connection (dcn) connection Connection (named)
Parameter set parameter_set Parameter set
Table definition xx Data definition