Terminating a job from the Java code (DataStage)

You can throw an Exception class object, or throw a ConnectorException class object, or call the Logger.fatal() method to stop a job before it ends naturally.

Throwing an Exception class object

You can use the Exception (java.lang.Exception) class or its subclass object from your Processor implementation to stop a job.

The following example shows Java™ code that does a basic calculation to get a price. If the value set to count is zero, the Java code throws the java.lang.ArithmeticException exception and logs the message: Divide by zero.

public void process() throws Exception
   int count = 0;
   int total = 1000;
   int price = total / count;

The Java code can also construct an ArithmeticException object with a message that you specify and throw it to terminate a job.

public void process() throws Exception
   if (result < 0)
      throw new ArithmeticException("An exception occurred. result=" + result);

Throwing a ConnectorException class object

You can use the ConnectorException(com.ibm.is.cc.javastage.api.ConnectorException) class object from Processor implementation to stop a job that is running or to end a design-time operation with a message.

Use the ConnectorException class to log messages that do not include the stack trace information and also to assign message IDs to those messages.

In the following example, Java code constructs and throws a ConnectorException object after calling the Logger.setComponentID() method. The connector framework catches the exception, logs the error message An exception occurred. result=-1 and stops the job. The message ID is IIS-CONN-MYCONN-00999.

public class MyConnector extends Processor
   public MyConnector()

   public void process() throws Exception
      if (result < 0)
         throw new ConnectorException(999, " An exception occurred. result=" + result);

Calling the Logger.fatal() method

You can terminate a job by calling the com.ibm.is.cc.javastage.api.Logger.fatal() method from your Processor implementation.

When Java code calls the Logger.fatal() method, the job does not return the control to the Java code. The Processor.terminate() method, which stops the job cannot be invoked. This might result in an issue while restarting the job.

If your Java code requires a termination process, then use the ConnectorException object or any other Exception object, because the Processor.terminate() method is invoked with the isAborted argument set to true.

The following example shows Java code calls the Logger.fatal() method. The job ends and the messageMy job terminates abnormally is logged to the job log with the message ID IIS-CONN-JAVA-00015.

Logger.fatal("My job terminates abnormally.");