Planning for migration
Completing a thorough plan before migrating to the latest version of WebSphere® Portal Express® has a direct impact in the effort invested during the actual migration. Become familiar with the environment you are migrating to (target environment). Also, make sure that the environment you are migrating from (source environment) is up to date with fixes and meets the requirements for migration.
- Prerequisites
- What's changed
- WebSphere Portal V8.5 and V8.0 detailed system requirements
- Unsupported and deprecated features for V8.5 and V9.0
The following sections provide a starting point for your migration planning. Consider each migration planning unique to the environment you are migrating. Refer to the Roadmaps for migration when you are planning and completing the migration process for an high-level view of the process and direct links to important documentation resources.
Before you start the more detailed planning, here are some additional
migration considerations:
- Take into account new development environment needs.
- Education and cultural changes.
- Contemplate different migration approaches and the impact on your business.
- What is contained within migration and what is not.
- Deprecated functionality.
- Vendor software unique to your environment and how it might interact with the new version of WebSphere Portal Express.