IBM Workload Scheduler version 9.4 Fix Pack 1 enhancements
Learn about the IBM Workload Scheduler version 9.4 Fix Pack 1 enhancements.
IBM Workload Scheduler version 9.4 Fix Pack 1 includes the
following enhancements:
- Revamped graphical views
- What-if enhancements
- IBM Workload Scheduler Job Management Plug-in
- Automation of Iterative Workflows
- Advanced rerun flexibility
- IBM Workload Scheduler Job Stream Submission Plug-in
- Condition-based workload automation
- Monitor file changes using the filemonitor utility
- New keyword for defining the latest start time in job streams
- New keyword for defining actions on late jobs
- Higher level of control over the What-If Analysis
- Preparing and installing a Docker image for dynamic agents
- Upgrading from version 8.6.x
- New options in managing workload applications
- Integration with IBM UrbanCode Deploy
- Satisfying Requests for Enhancements (RFEs)