Agent upgrade parameters on IBM i systems

The parameters set when using the twsinst script to upgrade a dynamic agent on IBM i systems.

-acceptlicense yes|no
Specify whether to accept the License Agreement.
-addjruntime true
Adds the Java™ run time to run job types with advanced options to the agent. The run time environment is used to run application job plug-ins on the agent and to enable the capability to run remotely, from the agent, the dynamic workload broker resource command on the server.

By default, if the Java run time was already installed on the agent, it will be upgraded to the new version.

If the Java run time was not installed on the agent, it will not be installed during the upgrade, unless you specify -addjruntime true.

If you decide not to install Java run time when upgrading, you can still add this feature at a later time as it is described in Adding a feature.

If you are installing, upgrading, or uninstalling with a user different from the default QSECOFR user, this parameter specifies that the user has the required ALLOBJ authority. Ensure the user is existing and has ALLOBJ authority because the product does not verify that the correct authority is assigned. The same user must be specified when installing, upgrading or uninstalling the agent. If you are using the QSECOFR user, this parameter does not apply.
Create the symlink between /usr/bin/at and <install_dir>/TWS/bin/at. See Table 1 for more information.
The name to assign to the agent. The default is the host name of this computer.
-inst_dir installation_dir
The directory of the IBM Workload Scheduler installation.
Note: The path cannot contain blanks. If you do not manually specify a path, the path is set to the default home directory, that is, the user_ home\user_name directory.
-jmport port_number

The JobManager port number used by the dynamic workload broker to connect to the IBM Workload Scheduler dynamic agent. The default value is 31114. The valid range is from 1 to 65535.

-jmportssl true|false
The JobManager port used by the dynamic workload broker to connect to the IBM Workload Scheduler dynamic agent. This number is registered in the ita.ini file located in the ITA/cpa/ita directory.
For communication using SSL or HTTPS
Set jmportssl = true. To communicate with the dynamic workload broker, it is recommended that you set the value to true. If the value is set to true, the port specified in jmport communicates in HTTPS.
For communication without using SSL, or through HTTP
Set jmportssl = false. If the value is set to false, the port specified in jmport communicates in HTTP.
-lang lang_id
The language in which the twsinst messages are displayed. If not specified, the system LANG is used. If the related catalog is missing, the default C language catalog is used.
Note: This is the language in which the installation log is recorded, and not the language of the installed engine instance. The twsinst script installs all languages by default.
-recovInstReg true
To re-create the registry files. Specify it if you have tried to upgrade a stand-alone, fault-tolerant agent (an agent that is not shared with other components or does not have the connector feature) and you received an error message that states that an instance of IBM Workload Scheduler cannot be found, this can be caused by a corrupt registry file. See Upgrading when there are corrupt registry files.
Enable this option if the authentication process within your organization is not standard, thereby disabling the default authentication option. If you specify this parameter, you must create the user manually before running the script.
If you specify this parameter, IBM Workload Scheduler does not scan system prerequisites before upgrading the agent.

For a detailed list of supported operating systems and product prerequisites, see IBM Workload Scheduler Detailed System Requirements.

-tdwbhostname host_name
The dynamic workload broker fully qualified host name. It is used together with the -tdwbport tdwbport_number parameter. It adds and starts the capabilities to run workload dynamically to IBM Workload Scheduler. If not specified you cannot run your workload dynamically and this parameter assumes the localhost default value. This value is registered in the ResourceAdvisorUrl property in the JobManager.ini file.
-tdwbport tdwbport_number
The dynamic workload broker HTTP or HTTPS port number used to add dynamic scheduling capabilities to your distributed or end-to-end environment. It is used together with the -tdwbhostname host_name parameter. This number is registered in the ResourceAdvisorUrl property in the JobManager.ini file. The default value is 0, however, if you leave the value as 0, you cannot run your workload dynamically. Specify a nonzero value to add dynamic capability. The valid range is 0 to 65535.
-uname user_name
The name of the user for which IBM Workload Scheduler is being updated. The software is updated in this userʼs home directory. This user name is not to be confused with the user performing the upgrade.
Note: This user name is not the same as the user performing the installation logged on as QSECOFR.
Upgrades an existing agent that was installed using twsinst.
-wait minutes
The number of minutes that the product waits for jobs that are running to complete before starting the upgrade. If the jobs do not complete during this interval the upgrade does not proceed and an error message is displayed. Valid values are integers or -1 for the product to wait indefinitely. The default is 60 minutes.
-work_dir working_dir
The temporary directory used for the IBM Workload Scheduler installation process files deployment. The path cannot contain blanks. If you do not manually specify a path, the path is set to /tmp/TWA/tws1023.