End-to-end scheduling with fault tolerance capabilities

Learn about End-to-end scheduling with fault tolerance capabilities.

End-to-end scheduling with fault tolerance capabilities directly connects IBM Workload Scheduler standard agents, fault-tolerant agents, and domain managers (with their underlying agents and domains) to IBM® Z Workload Scheduler. IBM Z Workload Scheduler is seen by the distributed network as the master domain manager.

IBM Z Workload Scheduler creates the production plan also for the distributed network and sends it to the domain managers and to the directly-connected agents. The domain managers send a copy of the plan to each of their agents and subordinate domain managers for execution.

The IBM Workload Scheduler domain managers function as the broker systems for the distributed network by resolving all dependencies for their subordinate managers and agents. They send their updates (in the form of events) to IBM Z Workload Scheduler so that it can update the plan accordingly. IBM Z Workload Scheduler handles its own jobs and notifies the domain managers of all the status changes of the IBM Z Workload Scheduler jobs that involve the IBM Workload Scheduler plan. In this configuration, the domain managers and all the distributed agents recognize IBM Z Workload Scheduler as the master domain manager and notify it of all the changes occurring in their own plans. At the same time, the agents are not permitted to interfere with the IBM Z Workload Scheduler jobs, because they are viewed as running on the master that is the only node that is in charge of them.

In the IBM Z Workload Scheduler current plan, you can specify jobs to run on workstations in the IBM Workload Scheduler network. IBM Z Workload Scheduler passes the job information to the Symphony™ file in the IBM Z Workload Scheduler server, which in turn passes the Symphony file to the IBM Workload Scheduler domain managers (DMZ) to distribute and process. In turn, IBM Workload Scheduler reports the status of running and completed jobs back to the current plan for monitoring in the IBM Z Workload Scheduler engine.

Figure 1 shows an IBM Workload Scheduler network managed by an IBM Z Workload Scheduler and the flow of data.
Figure 1. End-to-end with fault tolerance capabilities configuration