Scheduling process for the PeopleSoft supported agents

IBM Workload Scheduler can launch and monitor jobs in the PeopleSoft process scheduler using a PeopleSoft extended agent or dynamic agent workstation. The PeopleSoft supported agent (extended agent or dynamic agent) is defined in a standard IBM Workload Scheduler workstation definition. This definition is a logical workstation name and specifies the access method as psagent. The access method is used to communicate job requests to the PeopleSoft process scheduler.

To launch a PeopleSoft job, IBM Workload Scheduler runs the psagent method, passing it information about the job. An options file provides the method with the path, the executable, and other information about the PeopleSoft process scheduler and application server used to launch the job. The supported agent t can then access the PeopleSoft process request table and make an entry in the table to launch the job. Job progress and status information is written to the jobĘžs standard list file.

For extended agents, there is no need to install Database connectivity on fault-tolerant agents hosting PeopleSoft extended agents because the method currently uses the PeopleSoft 3-tier architecture. You must configure at least one PeopleSoft Application Server for the supported agent to work. The application server must be active to successfully submit jobs to the PeopleSoft process scheduler.