Moving configurations and settings definitions from one database to a different database

You can use the procedure described below to to move Dynamic Workload Console configurations and settings definitions from one database to a different database.

  1. From the navigation toolbar, click Administration > Manage Settings.
  2. In the Manage Settings panel, click Export Settings and save the XML file to a directory of your choice.
  3. Optionally, edit the file using an XML editor and save it.
  4. Optionally export your custom boards, as described in Exporting and importing a dashboard.
  5. Stop the Dynamic Workload Console as described in Application server - starting and stopping.
  6. Browse to the datasource_<db_vendor>.xml file located in one of the following paths:
    On UNIX operating systems
    On Windows operating systems
  7. Copy the datasource_<db_vendor>.xml to the path for your operating system:
    On UNIX operating systems
    On Windows operating systems
  8. Configure the datasource_<db_vendor>.xml file based on the specifics of your environment.
  9. Only if you are moving from an Oracle database to a different database, browse to the following files:
    • DWC_DATA_dir>/usr/servers/dwcServer/apps/DWC.ear/DWCRest.war/META-INF/orm.xml
    • DWC_DATA_dir/usr/servers/dwcServer/apps/DWC.ear/Reporting.war/META-INF/orm.xml
    • DWC_DATA_dir/usr/servers/dwcServer/apps/DWC.ear/TWSWebUI.war/META-INF/orm.xml
    and replace the contents of the <schema> tag with <schema>TDWC</schema>.
  10. Only if you are moving to an Oracle database, browse to the following files:
    • DWC_DATA_dir>/usr/servers/dwcServer/apps/DWC.ear/DWCRest.war/META-INF/orm.xml
    • DWC_DATA_dir/usr/servers/dwcServer/apps/DWC.ear/Reporting.war/META-INF/orm.xml
    • DWC_DATA_dir/usr/servers/dwcServer/apps/DWC.ear/TWSWebUI.war/META-INF/orm.xml
    and replace the contents of the <schema> tag with the name of the database user.
  11. Restart the Dynamic Workload Console as described in Application server - starting and stopping.
  12. Click Import Settings and browse to the XML file containing the settings you want to import.
  13. Import custom boards, as described in Exporting and importing a dashboard.
You have now exported your configurations and settings definitions from one database to a different database.