Rerunning a standard SAP job

You can rerun a standard SAP job from the start, or from a specific numeric step of the SAP instruction.

To rerun a standard SAP job, you can use one of the following user interfaces:
For details, refer to the IBM Workload Scheduler: User's Guide and Reference.
Dynamic Workload Console
Dynamic Workload Console

For details about how to rerun a job that submits an SAP process chain, refer to Rerunning a process chain job.

For an SAP extended agent, a step is the numeric step of the SAP instruction from which a job can be restarted. Before you rerun an SAP job with IBM Workload Scheduler, you have the option of providing a step name for the job. This affects r3batch in the following ways:
  • If you use a step name that is up to 9 digits (or 8 digits preceded by a character) in length, this name is used as the starting step number for the rerunning job.
  • If you use any different format, the name is ignored and the job is rerun starting from the first step.
For example, to rerun a job from the third step, you can use: A03, 3, 00003, or H3.

In z/OS environments, you need to set the status of the job to Ready before you can rerun the job.

Note: By default, if you specify a job step to rerun, the new job is assigned the name of the step you indicated. To keep the original job name, set the IBM Workload Scheduler global option enRetainNameOnRerunFrom to yes. This option works only when used with the following arguments: rr jobselect;from=[wkstat#]job. For details about these arguments, see IBM Workload Scheduler: User's Guide and Reference, Managing objects in the plan - conman, Conman commands, rerun. For details about this option, see IBM Workload Scheduler: Planning and Installation.

When r3batch reruns a job from its first step, either because you specified it as the starting step or because no starting step was specified, it uses the new copy feature, if applicable. If the starting step is greater than one, r3batch uses the old copy to rerun the job. For a description about the difference between the new and old copy of a rerunning job, refer to Old copy and new copy of a rerunning job.

To rerun a SAP Standard R/3 job from the Dynamic Workload Console, perform the following steps:
  1. In the Dynamic Workload Console select Monitoring & Reporting > Workload Monitoring > Monitor Workload.
  2. In the Monitor Workload input fields select Job as the Object Type, the engine name, the plan, and any filtering data that helps you filter the selection of jobs (you can also select Edit for a guided selection of filtering criteria) and select Run.
  3. A list of jobs is displayed. Select an SAP Standard R/3 job.
  4. Rerun the job.
    Distributed environment
    1. Click Rerun.... The General properties for the rerun operation are displayed.
    2. Optionally, you can choose to not rerun the same job but instead, substitute the selected SAP job with a different job definition and run it. Type the job definition name in the From Job Definition field, or use the browse button to search for it and select it.
    3. Optionally, type the workstation name of the workstation on which you want to rerun the job in the Workstation Name field.
    4. Optionally, in Step, enter a specific numeric step of the SAP instruction from which you want to rerun the job rather than rerunning the whole job.
    5. Optionally, specify the start and finish time for the job.
    6. Click Rerun.
    The job reruns immediately or at the specified start time.
    z/OS environment
    In a z/OS environment, an alias for the job name is not required so the job reruns with the same name. The list of jobs always reports the latest action performed on the job.
    1. Before you can rerun a job, you must change the status of the job to Ready. Select a job and click Set Status.
    2. In Change Status, select Ready.
    3. Click OK to return to the list of jobs.
    The job reruns immediately and the internal status reports Started.