Procedure for rerunning a process chain job

You can rerun all of the processes in the process chain from the Dynamic Workload Console or you can rerun at a process level.

In z/OS environments, you need to set the status of the job to Ready before you can rerun the job.
  1. Select a job and click Set Status.
  2. In Change Status, select Ready.
  3. Click OK to return to the list of jobs.
To rerun a process chain SAP job, perform the following steps:
  1. Click Monitoring and Reporting > Workload Monitoring > Monitor Workload.
  2. In Engine name, select the name of the IBM Workload Scheduler engine connection from where you want to work with SAP jobs.
  3. In Object Type, leave the default selection Job.
  4. Click Run.
  5. A list of jobs is displayed. Select a process chain job.
    Distributed environment
    The Job Type column displays SAP Process Chain to help you identify SAP process chain jobs.
    z/OS environment
    The Advanced Job Type column displays SAP Process Chain to help you identify SAP process chain jobs. To display the Advanced Job Type column in the table, edit the Task Properties and in Column Definition, add the Advanced Job Type column to the Selected Columns list. Move the column up to define the order of the column in the table and make it more visible.
  6. Rerun the job.
    1. Click More Actions > Restart Process Chain.
    2. Select the action you want to perform on the selected process chain:
      Reruns the entire process chain. The process chain ID on the SAP system remains the same, as well as the job identifier on z/OS systems.
      Specify an alias to identify the new job. In distributed systems the rerun process chain is identified with this alias name prefixed by RERUN.
      Refreshes the Dynamic Workload Console view with the latest updates on the remote SAP system so that the two views are synchronized.
      Specify an alias to identify the new job. In distributed systems the refreshed process chain is identified with this alias name prefixed by REFRESH.
      Restart from the failed processes
      Action available only for process chains in error state. Rerun only some steps of the process chain, starting from the failed processes.
      Specify an alias to identify the new job. In distributed systems the restarted process chain is identified with this alias name prefixed by RESTART.
      Restart from a specific process
      Action available only for process chains in error state. Rerun only some steps of the process chain, starting from the process specified in the SAP Process ID field. You can find the process ID by opening the job log or viewing the job type details from the table of results of your monitor job task.
      In distributed systems the restarted process chain is identified with this alias prefixed by PROCESS.
  7. Click OK to perform the selected action on the process chain.
The job reruns immediately.