- access method
- An executable file used by extended agents to connect to and control jobs on other operating systems (for example, z/OS) and applications (for example, Oracle Applications, PeopleSoft, and SAP R/3). The access method is specified in the workstation definition for the extended agent. This term applies only to IBM® Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "extended agent".
- actual start
- The time that a job or job stream, planned to run during current production, actually starts. See also:
- ad hoc job
- A job used to run a command or a script file that is inserted into the current plan. These jobs are not saved in the IBM Workload Scheduler database. See also:
- ad hoc prompt dependency
- A prompt dependency that is defined within the properties of a job or job stream and is unique to that job or job stream. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "prompt dependency".
- availability
- The degree to which a system or resource is ready when needed to process data.
- batchman
- A process running on IBM Workload Scheduler workstations. This process accesses the copy of the Symphony file distributed to workstations at the beginning of the production period and updates it, resolving dependencies. It is the only process that can update the Symphony file. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also:
- backup domain manager
- A full status fault-tolerant agent in a distributed network that can assume the responsibilities of its domain manager. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also:
- backup master domain manager
- A full status fault-tolerant agent in a distributed network that can assume the responsibilities of the master domain manager. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also:
- calendar
- A list of scheduling dates used either to identify the dates when job streams or jobs can be run (when used with inclusive run cycles), or when they cannot be run (when used with exclusive run cycles). See also:
- carry forward
- A property of a job stream that, if not completed before the end of the current production period, is carried forward to the next and then to subsequent periods, until the latest start time is reached or the job stream completes. See also "latest start".
- computer workstation
- In the IBM Z Workload
Scheduler, either:
- A workstation that performs z/OS processing of jobs and started-task jobs, and that usually reports status to Dynamic Workload Console automatically.
- A processor used as a workstation. It can refer to single processors or multiprocessor complexes serving a single job queue, for example JES2 or JES3 systems.
- connector
- An installed component that provides the interface between the Dynamic Workload Console and the engine. This
term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also:
- "engine"
- controller
- In the IBM Z Workload Scheduler, the component that runs on the management hub, and that contains the tasks that manage the plans and the database.
- cpu time
- The processor time used by a job when running. See also "duration".
- current plan
- In the IBM Z Workload Scheduler the detail plan of activity that covers a period of at least 1 minute, and not more than 21 days. A current plan typically covers 1 or 2 days.
- database
- In IBM Workload Scheduler for distributed environments it consists of a set
of tables defined in relational database, such as DB2 or Oracle, containing the definitions for all
scheduling objects (jobs, job streams, resources, workstations, domains, parameters, prompts and
files), job and job stream statistics, user data, and the last time an object was modified.
In the IBM Z Workload Scheduler it consists of collection of the following data: calendar, period, workstation description, JCL variable table, application description, and operation instruction.
- deadline
- The time by which a job or job stream is set to complete. When a job or job stream passes the deadline, notifications are sent to users and integrated applications, but the job or job stream is not prevented from running if all time restrictions and dependencies are satisfied. Jobs or job streams that have not yet started or that are still running after the deadline time has expired are marked as "late" in the plan. See also "plan".
- dependency
- A prerequisite condition that must be satisfied before a job or job stream can start or continue to run. See also:
- distributed network
- A connected group of workstations defined using IBM Workload Scheduler for distributed environments.
See also:
- "engine"
- "workstation"
- distributed workstation
- A workstation in the IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environment on which jobs and job streams
are run. See also:
- "engine"
- "workstation"
- domain
- A named group of workstations in a IBM Workload Scheduler distributed network, consisting of one or more agents and a domain manager acting as the management hub. All domains have a parent domain except for the master domain. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also:
- domain manager
- An installed component in a IBM Workload Scheduler distributed network that is the management hub in a domain. All communication to and from the agents in the domain is routed through the domain manager. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "workstation"
- duration
- The elapsed time that a job is expected to take to complete (estimated duration) and actually takes (actual duration). See also:
- earliest start
- The time before which a job or job stream cannot start. The job or job stream can start after the earliest start time provided that all other time restrictions and dependencies are satisfied. See also:
- engine
- The core software for the scheduling environment. The engine can be either a z/OS engine (installed as part of IBM Z Workload Scheduler), or a distributed engine (installed as part of IBM Workload Scheduler).
- extended agent
- An agent used to integrate Tivoli® Workload Scheduler job control features with other entities such as operating systems (for example, z/OS) and applications (for example, Oracle Applications, PeopleSoft, and SAP R/3). Extended agents must be hosted by a master domain manager, domain manager, or an agent (not another extended agent), and use access methods to communicate with the other entities. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "access method".
- external dependency
- A dependency defined in one job or job stream that refers to another job stream or to a job in another job stream.
- external job
- A job referred to in an external dependency. See also "external dependency".
- fault-tolerant agent
- A installed agent component in a distributed network capable of resolving local dependencies and launching its jobs. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments.
- fence
- An attribute on a workstation that regulates whether a job can be run on a workstation. The job fence is a priority level that the priority of a job must exceed before it can run. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments.
- file dependency
- A dependency where a job or job stream cannot start until it finds a specific file is present in a specific path on a specific workstation. Sometimes called an opens file dependency. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "dependency".
- follows dependency
- A dependency where a job or job stream cannot start until other jobs or job streams have completed successfully. See also "dependency".
- forecast plan
- A projection over a selected time interval based on the job streams and dependencies defined in the database. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also
- See "fault-tolerant agent"
- full status
- An attribute of an agent that enables it to be updated with the status of jobs and job streams running on all other workstations in its domain and in subordinate domains, but not on peer or parent domains. A backup domain manager or master domain manager must be full status. See also:
- general workstation
- In the IBM Z Workload Scheduler this is a workstation where activities other than printing and processing are carried out. A general workstation is usually manual, but it can also be automatic. Manual activities can include data entry and job setup.
- host
- A workstation required by extended agents. It can be any IBM Workload Scheduler workstation except another extended agent. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments.
- internal status
- The current status of jobs and job streams in the IBM Workload Scheduler engine. The internal status is unique to IBM Workload Scheduler. See also "status".
- internetwork dependencies
- A dependency between jobs or job streams in separate IBM Workload Scheduler networks. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "network agent".
- internetwork job or job stream
- A job or job stream in a remote IBM Workload Scheduler network that is referenced by an internetwork dependency defined for a job or job stream in the local network. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "network agent".
- job
- A unit of work scheduled for a specific run date in the plan that is processed at a workstation. In IBM Z Workload Scheduler, a job is an operation performed at a computer workstation.
- job limit
- See "limit"
- job status
- See "status".
- job stream
- A list of jobs that scheduled to run as a unit in the plan (such as a weekly backup application), along with run cycles, times, priorities, and other dependencies that determine the exact order in which the jobs run.
- jobman
- A process running on IBM Workload Scheduler workstations. This process controls the launching of jobs under the direction of batchman and reports job status back to mailman. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also:
- jobmon
- An additional process running on IBM Workload Scheduler Windows workstations. It manages and monitors job processing. A separate jobmon process is created to launch and monitor each job. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. It reports job status back to jobman. See also:
- latest start
- The time before which the job or job stream must start. The job or job stream can start before the latest start time provided that all other dependencies are satisfied. See also:
- limit
- A means of allocating a specific number of job slots into which IBM Workload Scheduler is allowed to launch jobs. A job limit can be set for each job stream, and for each workstation. For example, setting the workstation job limit to 25 permits IBM Workload Scheduler to have no more than 25 jobs running concurrently on the workstation.
- list
- A means of filtering plan and objects and presenting them in a table. Lists on Dynamic Workload Console are the result of running tasks.
- mailman
- The mail management process running on IBM Workload Scheduler workstations. It routes messages about jobs processing status to local and remote workstations. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "processes".
- master domain manager
- The management hub of the top-level domain in the IBM Workload Scheduler distributed network. It maintains the database of all scheduling objects in the domain and the central configuration files. The master domain manager generates and distributes the current plan through the network as a program control file named Symphony file. In addition, logs and reports for the network are maintained on the master domain manager. See also:
- See "master domain manager".
- netman
- The network management process that is started first when the IBM Workload Scheduler workstations starts up. It processes start, stop, link or unlink commands or requests to run actions impacting the job processing on that workstation. The netman process examines each request received and either implements the request itself or create a local IBM Workload Scheduler process to do so. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "processes".
- network agent
- A logical extended agent used to create dependencies between jobs and job streams on separate IBM Workload Scheduler networks. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "internetwork dependencies".
- opens file dependency
- See "file dependency".
- open interval
- The time interval during which a workstation is active and can process work.
- owner ID
- In IBM Z Workload Scheduler, the identifier that represents the job stream owner.
- parameter
- An entity that enables job instance-specific values to be substituted in job and job stream scripts, either from values set in the database or at run time. Parameters cannot be used when scripting extended agent jobs. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments.
- plan
- The means of scheduling jobs. See also:
- "database"
- "current plan"
- "trial plan"
- planned start
- The time that IBM Workload Scheduler estimates a job instance will start. This estimate is based on start
times of previous instances of the job. See also:
- "actual start"
- "earliest start "
- "latest start "
- "scheduled time"
- portlet
- A pluggable user interface components that are managed and displayed in a web portal.
- predecessor
- A job or job stream that must complete successfully before successor jobs or job streams can be started. See also "successor".
- predefined prompt dependency
- A prompt dependency that is defined in the database and can be associated to any job or job stream. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "prompt dependency".
- printer workstation
- In IBM Z Workload Scheduler, a workstation that prints output and usually reports status automatically.
- priority
- A way of determining the order in which jobs and job streams start. Priorities for each job and job stream range from 0 to 101. A job or job stream with a priority of 0 does not run.
- production period
- The time interval covered by the current plan. See also "current plan".
- current plan
- Contains all job scheduling activity planned for a production
period. The plan is stored in the Symphony file, and consists
of all the jobs, job streams, and dependency objects that are scheduled
to run for that period, including any jobs or job streams carried
forward from the previous plan. See also:
- "carry forward"
- "plan"
- processes
- IBM Workload Scheduler workstation processes that control the scheduling environment and network traffic. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also:
- prompt dependency
- A dependency where an operator must respond affirmatively to a prompt so that the dependent job or job stream can run. See also:
- resource
- Either physical or logical system resources. Resources are used as dependencies for jobs and job streams. See also "resource dependency".
- resource dependency
- A dependency where a job or job stream cannot start until the required quantity of the defined resource is available. See also "resource".
- restart and cleanup
- A recovery function that ensures the restart of a job and the related cleanup actions, for example, deleting temporary files or dataset created in a job run.
- rule-based run cycle
- A run cycle that uses rules based on lists of ordinal numbers, types of days, and common calendar intervals (or period names in IBM Z Workload Scheduler). For example, the last Thursday of every month. Rule-based run cycles are based on conventional periods, such as calendar months, weeks of the year, and days of the week. In IBM Z Workload Scheduler, run cycles can also be based on periods that you define, such as a semester. This term is only used as such in IBM Z Workload Scheduler, but the concept applies also to the distributed product. See also:
- run cycle
- Specifies the days that a job stream is scheduled to run. The
specification can be in the form of a rule or as a combination of
period and offset. See also:
- "calendar"
- schedule
- See "job stream".
- scheduled time
- The time when a job or job stream is scheduled to run. See also:
- slack time
- In a critical job predecessor path, the slack time is the amount of time the predecessor processing can be delayed without exceeding the critical job deadline. It is the spare time calculated using the deadline, input arrival, and duration settings of predecessors jobs
- special resource
- In IBM Z Workload Scheduler, a resource that is not associated with a particular workstation, such as a data set.
- standard agent
- An installed agent component in a distributed network that runs jobs, but requires a domain manager to resolve local dependencies and launch the jobs.
- started-task operation
- In IBM Z Workload Scheduler, an operation that starts or stops started tasks. This operations are run at a computer workstation with the STC option specified.
- status
- The current job or job stream status within the Dynamic Workload Console. The Dynamic Workload Console status is common to IBM Workload Scheduler and IBM Z Workload Scheduler. See also "internal status".
- successor
- A job that cannot start until all of the predecessor jobs or job streams on which it is dependent are completed successfully. See also: "predecessor".
- Symphony file
- A file containing the scheduling information needed by the production control process (batchman) to run the plan. The file is built and loaded when the current plan is created or extended on the master domain manager. During the production phase, this file is continually updated to indicate the current status of production processing: work completed, work in progress, and work to be done. The tasks run from the Dynamic Workload Console display the contents of the Symphony file (plan) and are run against it. See also:
- task
- A filter that returns, when run, a list of scheduling objects of the same type whose attributes satisfy the criteria set in the task definition.
- time restriction
- Determines the times before which, after which, or both, that a job or job stream cannot be run. Specifying both defines a time interval within which a job or job stream runs. Jobs can also have a repetition rate. For example, IBM Workload Scheduler can launch the same job every 30 minutes between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
- tracker
- In IBM Z Workload Scheduler, a component that runs on every system in your complex. It acts as the communication link between the z/OS system that it runs on and the controller.
- trial plan
- A projection of the current plan for a different period, using the same start date. It is used to determine the effect of different plan decisions. This term applies only to IBM Workload Scheduler distributed environments. See also "plan".
- virtual workstation
- It is a computer workstation where you define a pool of destinations for the workload submission. When the scheduler processes the operations submitted to a virtual workstation, it distributes the workload according a balanced turn criteria. To obtain the job submission, at least one of the destinations in the pool must be available.
- workstation
- A definition of an individual computer or computer partition on which jobs and job streams are run. Types of workstation vary depending on the type of engine. See also:
- workstation resource
- In IBM Z Workload Scheduler, a physical resource, such as a tape driver, that must be allocated among jobs. When you define a workstation, you can specify the quantity of each of the two resources (R1 and R2) that are available to jobs. When defining jobs to that workstation, you can specify the number of these resources that must be available for the operation to start on that workstation.
- write-to-operator workstation
- In IBM Z Workload Scheduler, a general workstation that lets you use scheduling facilities to issue a write-to-operator (WTO) message at a specific operator console defined by the workstation destination.
- x-agent
- See "extended agent".
- z/OS network
- A connected group of workstations that use the z/OS engine to
perform workload scheduling. See also:
- "engine"
- "workstation"
- z/OS workstation
- A representation of system configuration elements in the IBM Z Workload
Scheduler network. For the IBM Z Workload
Scheduler engine, workstations can be:
- Computer
- General
- Printer