Customizing job processing on a Windows workstation - jobmanrc.cmd

A standard configuration script template named TWS_home\config\jobmanrc.cmd is supplied with IBM Workload Scheduler. It is installed automatically as TWS_home\jobmanrc.cmd. You can use this command file to set the required environment before each job is run. To alter the file, make your modifications in the working copy (TWS_home\jobmanrc.cmd), leaving the template file unchanged. The file contains variables which can be configured, and comments to help you understand the methodology. Table 1 describes the jobmanrc.cmd variables.
Table 1. Variables defined by default in the jobmanrc.cmd file
Variable Name Value
HOME The path to the TWS_home directory
POSIXHOME The path to the TWS_home directory in a POSIX complaint format
  • If set to yes, the user's local configuration script is run, if existing.
  • If set to no, the presence of a local configuration script is ignored. Any other setting is interpreted as no.
  • If set to YES, an email is sent to the email ID defined in the email_ID variable, if the job ends in error.
  • If set to any value other than YES or NO, an email is sent to the email ID specified in this variable if the job ends in error.
  • If set to NO, no messages are sent if the job ends in error.
For more details, see Customizing the MAIL_ON_ABEND section of jobmanrc.cmd.