Scheduling the centralized agent update

You can schedule the centralized update of multiple agent instances by creating a centralized agent update job, either by using the Dynamic Workload Console or the composer command line.
Creating a centralized agent update job by using the Dynamic Workload Console:
  1. Log on to the Dynamic Workload Console.
  2. Create a Centralized agent update job type definition, as described in Managing job definitions .
  3. In the properties panel, specify the attributes for the job definition that you are creating. For all the details about available fields and options, see the online help by clicking the "?" in the upper-right corner.
  4. In the Connection tab, specify the master domain manager workstation where you loaded the fix pack installation package, or the upgrade eImage, that you want to install on fault-tolerant agent or dynamic agent instances.
  5. In the Action tab, define the list of fault-tolerant agent or dynamic agent instances that you want to update. You can select up to 20 agent instances.
  6. Save the job definition in the database.
Creating a centralized agent update job by using the composer command line:
This section describes the required and optional attributes that you need to specify to create a centralized agent update job by using the composer command line. For more information, see Job definition:
Table 1. Required and optional attributes for the definition of a centralized agent update job
Attribute Description and value Required
hostname The host name of the master domain manager workstation where you loaded the fix pack installation package, or the upgrade eImage, that you want to install on fault-tolerant agent or dynamic agent instances.
port The port number of the master domain manager workstation.
protocol The protocol for connecting to the master domain manager workstation. Supported values are http and https.
userName The user to be used for accessing the master domain manager workstation. This attribute is optional, depending on your settings.
password The password to be used for accessing the master domain manager workstation. This attribute is optional, depending on the settings on your server.
NumberOfRetries The number of times the program tries to connect to the master domain manager workstation. Default value is 0.
RetryIntervalSeconds The number of seconds the program waits before retrying the operation. Default value is 30 seconds.
workstationListValues The list of agent instances that you want to update.


NY053015_AGT (type: Agent, version:
NY053009_AGT (type: Agent, version:<
NY053016_FTA (type: FTA, version:
You can specify up to 20 agent instances.

Scheduling a centralized agent update job

You can schedule a centralized agent update job by adding the necessary scheduling arguments to your job, and submitting it. You can submit jobs by using the Dynamic Workload Console or the conman command line.

When the job runs, the job forwards to the master domain manager the Update agent request for all the fault-tolerant agent or dynamic agent instances that you selected, and then completes.
Note: The job does not wait for the Update agent request to complete. The completion status of the centralized agent update job refers only to the submission of the Update agent request; the completion status does not refer to the agent update results. To verify the agent update results, see the Results section in Centralized agent update by using Dynamic Workload Console.

Job properties

When the job completes, you can see the job properties by running:

conman sj job_name;jobprop

wherejob_name is the centralized agent update job name.

The following example shows the Extra Information section of the output command:

The update request has been successfully submitted for the following workstations: