Uninstalling agents on IBM i systems

How to uninstall dynamic and z-centric agents on IBM i systems.

To uninstall the agents on an IBM i system by using the twsinst script, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that all IBM Workload Scheduler processes and services are stopped, and that there are no active or pending jobs. For information about stopping the processes and services, see Application server - starting and stopping.
  2. Sign on as the user who performed the installation, either QSECOFR or an existing user with ALLOBJ authority. If you installed with a user different from QSECOFR, use the same user who performed the installation and specify the allObjAuth parameter to indicate that the user has the ALLOBJ authority. For more information about this parameter, see Agent installation parameters on IBM i systems. You can find the name of the profile used to perform the installation in the instUser located in the agent_data_dir/installation/instInfo.
  3. Note: Only for dynamic agents, you have the option of installing using a user different from QSECOFR and with no specific authorizations. In this case, specify the same user who performed the installation.
  4. Change your directory to /installation_dir/TWS. For example: /home/user1/TWS where user1 is the name of IBM Workload Scheduler user.
  5. From the Installation directory\TWS directory, run the twsinst script as follows:
    twsinst -uninst -allObjAuth -uname username 
    [-wait minutes][-lang lang_id] [-work_dir working_dir]      
Uninstalls IBM Workload Scheduler.
uname username
The name of the user for which IBM Workload Scheduler is uninstalled. This user name is not the same as the user performing the installation.
If you are installing, upgrading, or uninstalling with a user different from the default QSECOFR user, this parameter specifies that the user has the required ALLOBJ authority. Ensure the user is existing and has ALLOBJ authority because the product does not verify that the correct authority is assigned. The same user must be specified when installing, upgrading or uninstalling the agent. If you are using the QSECOFR user, this parameter does not apply.
-uname username
The name of the user for which IBM Workload Scheduler is uninstalled.

If you are using the QSECOFR user or a user with ALLOBJ authority, this user name is not the same as the user performing the installation. If you are using a user different from QSECOFR, the user performing the installation and the user for which the agent is installed are the same.

-wait minutes
The number of minutes that the product waits for jobs that are running to complete before starting the uninstallation. If the jobs do not complete during this intervals the uninstallation stops and an error message is displayed. Valid values are integers or -1 for the product to wait indefinitely. The default is 60 minutes.
-lang lang_id
The language in which the twsinst messages are displayed. If not specified, the system LANG is used. If the related catalog is missing, the default C language catalog is used.
-work_dir working_dir
The temporary directory used for the IBM Workload Scheduler installation process files deployment. If you do not manually specify a path, the path is set to /tmp/TWA/twsversion_number>.
The following example shows a twsinst script that uninstalls the IBM Workload Scheduler agent, originally installed for twsuser user:
On IBM i systems:
./twsinst -uninst -uname TWS_user -allObjAuth