Example installation commands

Consider the following examples to understand the use and capabilities of the twsinst command. You can optionally encrypt the password using the secure script. For more information, see Optional password encryption - secure script.
  • The following example shows the syntax used when using the twsinst script to install a new instance of a dynamic agent and adding the Java™ run time for running job types with advanced options.

    On Windows™ operating systems:
    cscript twsinst.vbs -new
       -uname TWSuser1 -password user_password -acceptlicense yes
       -addjruntime true -agent dynamic -displayname thishostcomputername
       -hostname thishostname.mycompany.com -wauser wauser -wapassword wapassword
       -inst_dir "c:\Program Files\IBM\TWA_TWSuser1"
       -jmport 31114 -tdwbport 31116 -tdwbhostname mainbroker.mycompany.com
    On UNIX and Linux™ operating systems:
    ./twsinst -new
       -uname TWSuser1 -acceptlicense yes -addjruntime true
       -agent dynamic -displayname thishostcomputername
       -hostname thishostname.mycompany.com -wauser wauser -wapassword wapassword
       -inst_dir "/opt/IBM/TWA_TWSuser1"
       -jmport 31114 -reset_perm -skipcheckprereq -tdwbport 31116
       -tdwbhostname mainbroker.mycompany.com   
  • The following example shows the syntax used when running the twsinst script to install a new instance of both a fault-tolerant and a dynamic agent, and adding the Java run time for running job types with advanced options. Ensure you copy the certificates on the agent before you start the installation. The path to the certificates is specified with the sslkeysfolder parameter. The sslpassword parameter specifies the password to access the certificates. In this case, the jwt parameter must be set to false:

    On Windows operating systems:
    cscript twsinst.vbs -new 
       -uname TWSuser1 -password user_password -acceptlicense yes
       -addjruntime true -agent both -displayname thishostcomputername
       -hostname thishostname.mycompany.com -sslkeysfolder /MyCertsFolder -jwt=false
       -sslpassword fer1smx24569ijDCS86?! -inst_dir "c:\Program Files\IBM\TWA_TWSuser1"
       -jmport 31114 -master TWSmdm -tdwbport 31116 -tdwbhostname mainbroker.mycompany.com
       -thiscpu mainworkstation
    On UNIX™ and Linux operating systems:
    ./twsinst -new
       -uname TWSuser1 -acceptlicense yes -addjruntime true
       -agent both -create_link -displayname thishostcomputername
       -hostname thishostname.mycompany.com -inst_dir "/opt/IBM/TWA_TWSuser1"
       -sslkeysfolder /MyCertsFolder -sslpassword fer1smx24569ijDCS86?!
       -jmport 31114 -master TWSmdm -reset_perm -skipcheckprereq
       -tdwbport 31116 -tdwbhostname mainbroker.mycompany.com
       -thiscpu fta101
  • The following example shows the syntax used when using the twsinst script to install a new instance of a dynamic agent, adding the Java run time for running job types with advanced options, and to install a gateway on the same workstation as the agent to enable communication with the master domain manager.

    On Windows operating systems:
    cscript twsinst.vbs -new
       -uname TWSuser1 -password user_password -acceptlicense yes
       -addjruntime true -agent dynamic -displayname thishostcomputername
       -gateway local -gwid gateway_id
       -hostname thishostname.mycompany.com
       -inst_dir "c:\Program Files\IBM\TWA_TWSuser1"
       -wauser MDMAdmin -wapassword -wapassword 547832gtrOLK8542Mnfdw!
       -jmport 31114 -jimportssl true -master TWSmdm -skipcheckprereq
       -tdwbport 31116 -tdwbhostname mainbroker.mycompany.com
       -thiscpu mainworkstation
    On UNIX and Linux operating systems:
    ./twsinst -new
       -uname TWSuser1 -acceptlicense yes -addjruntime true -agent both
       -displayname thishostcomputername -create_link -gateway local
       -gwid gateway_id
       -hostname thishostname.mycompany.com -inst_dir "/opt/IBM/TWA_TWSuser1"
       -wauser MDMAdmin -wapassword -wapassword 547832gtrOLK8542Mnfdw!
       -jmport 31114 -jimportssl true -master TWSmdm -reset_perm -skipcheckprereq
       -tdwbport 31116 -tdwbhostname mainbroker.mycompany.com
       -thiscpu fta101
  • In the following example, you install a new agent with both dynamic agent and fault-tolerant agent capabilities.

    By setting jwt to true, you install the agent and authenticate with the master domain manager using JWT. The jwt parameter requires the tdwbhostname and tdbwport parameters for connecting to the dynamic domain manager and the wauser and wapassword parameters, which provide the credentials to be used when logging in to the master domain manager. The credentials are required when you first download the JWT from the master domain manager:
    twsinst -new -acceptlicense yes -agent both -uname TWSuser1 -tdwbhostname Saturn 
    -tdwbport 37116 -master Jupiter -jwt true -wauser MDMAdmin -wapassword 125784gtrOLK8542Mnfdw!
  • This example is a variation from the previous example. Instead of using the wauser and wapassword parameters when logging in to the master domain manager, you authenticate using the API Key you have previously retrieved from the Dynamic Workload Console. For this purpose, use the apikey parameter:
    twsinst -new -acceptlicense yes -agent both -uname TWSuser1 -tdwbhostname Saturn
    -tdwbport 37116 -master Jupiter -jwt true -apikey eyJraWQiOiJha2li....KINijWmdC-fY
  • In the following example, you install a dynamic agent and authenticate with the master domain manager named Saturn using JWT. The agent hosts a local gateway with gateway ID GWD1:
    twsinst -new -acceptlicense yes -agent dynamic -uname TWSuser1 -hostname Titan -displayname Titan
    -tdwbhostname Saturn -tdwbport 37116 -jwt true -wauser MDMAdmin 
    -wapassword 125784gtrOLK8542Mnfdw! -gateway local -gwid GWID1 -jmport 42427
  • In the following example, you install an agent and authenticate with the master domain manager using JWT. The agent connects to the remote gateway installed on the agent in the previous example. In this case, the tdwbhostname parameter must be set to the host name of the dynamic agent (Titan) hosting the gateway and to which the agent you are installing will connect. In the same way, the tdwbport parameter must match the port number of the dynamic agent hosting the gateway. You have set this port using the jmport parameter when installing the dynamic agent hosting the gateway.
    twsinst -new -acceptlicense yes -agent both -uname TWSuser1 -displayname Tetis
    -tdwbhostname Titan -tdwbport 42427 -jwt true -wauser MDMAdmin 
    -wapassword 125784gtrOLK8542Mnfdw! -gateway remote -jmport 54548
  • In the following example, you install the agent using local certificates for authentication. Ensure you copy the certificates on the agent before you start the installation. The path to the certificates is specified with the sslkeysfolder parameter. The sslpassword parameter specifies the password to access the certificates. In this case, the jwt parameter must be set to false:
    twsinst -new -acceptlicense yes -agent both -uname TWSuser1 -tdwbhostname Saturn 
    -tdwbport 37116 -master Jupiter -jwt false -sslkeysfolder /MyCertsFolder 
    -sslpassword fer1smx8854ijDSW65?!
  • In the following example, you install the agent and download to the agent the certificates from the master domain manager. Ensure the certificates are available on the master domain manager in one of the following paths:
    On Windows operating systems
    On UNIX operating systems
    To download the certificates, specify the wauser and wapassword parameters to connect to the master domain manager. In this case, the jwt parameter must be set to false
    twsinst -new -acceptlicense yes -agent both -uname TWSuser1 -tdwbhostname Saturn -tdwbport 37116 
    -master Jupiter -jmport 1234 -port 1235 -netmansslport 1236 -jwt false -wauser MDMAdmin 
    -wapassword 125784gtrOLK8542Mnfdw!