Using elastic distributed inference via command line interface

Use elastic distributed inference from the command line interface using the dlim command.

The dlim command lists the inference services and provides details, creates and removes inference services, starts and stops inference services and lists available runtime environments.

To use the dlim command, you must do the following:
  1. Add dlim to PATH, for example:
  2. Configure dlim.
    dlim config -c https://localhost:edi-port/dlim/v1/
    where localhost is the IP or name of the master host and edi-port is the port number set during installation (DLI_EDI_LBD_ENABLE).
    For example:
    dlim config -c https://localhost:9000/dlim/v1/
  3. Save your login token. Your login token does expire after some time, and you may need to rerun this command.
    dlim config -t --user username
    where username is your user name.
  4. Use the command. To see what sub commands are available with the dlim command, run the dlim --help command:
      -h, --help,         help information
      -v, --version,     version information
    Sub commands:
      config,        config information to access inference service
      model,         manage models for inference service
      runtime,       manage runtimes for inference service


This example uses the CLI from the master host. To use the CLI from another host, replace localhost with the remote hostname and update the paths.
dlim config -c https://localhost:9000/dlim/v1/
dlim config -t -u Admin -x Admin
dlim model deploy -p /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing/dlim/2.3.0/linux-ppc64le/samples/python/py3add
dlim model start add