Managing portlet applications
You can enable a portlet application as a Web service and manage existing
portlet applications. To view a list of portlets for a portlet application, select the
appropriate portlet application title. You can also modify the properties of the
Use the search feature to search the portlet for portal resources by selecting the type
of search and the appropriate search parameters. You can limit the number of portal resources that
are listed in the portlet.
Making a copy of a portlet application
Make a copy of an existing IBM API portlet application. You cannot
perform this task on JSR standard portlet applications because each JSR portlet
Web module can only contain a single portlet application. Note that you can
create multiple copies of a JSR portlet inside that single application.
Modifying portlet application settings
Add or delete a parameter/value pair, or set locale-specific titles
and descriptions for an IBM API portlet application. You cannot perform these
tasks on JSR standard portlet applications because the Java Portlet Specification
does not have the concept of parameters or locale-specific titles on an application
Deleting a portlet application
Delete a portlet application from the portal. If you delete a portlet
application, then the corresponding portlet applications and portlets are
also deleted. You cannot perform this task on JSR standard portlet applications because
each JSR portlet Web module can only contain a single portlet application.
Assigning permissions to a portlet application
Click Assign access from the appropriate
row, and use Resource Permissions to assign permissions to a portlet application.
Permissions are inherited. For example, the access assigned to a porltet application
will be inherited by the contained portlets.
Viewing a list of portlets for a portlet application
To see a list of portlets for a portlet application, click on the
portlet application in the Title column.
Configuring the Manage Applications portlet
You can modify the search results of this portlet by changing the
maximum number of items that a search retrieves and by changing the number
of items that display on a page.
Field descriptions for the Manage Applications portlet
Learn more about the fields that are provided with the user interface.