
To configure a Jenkins server in OpenShift® and create a build configuration in OpenShift, you need to meet the following prerequisites:
  • OpenShift version 4.5 or later.
  • Internet access to install the Jenkins required plug-ins.
  • OpenShift Command Line Interface (CLI). You can download it from the OpenShift web console by clicking the question mark icon in the banner and by selecting Command Line Tools, as shown in the following screen capture:
    OpenShift Command Line Interface
  • An administrator connection to the OpenShift cluster. To log in, enter the following command and adapt it to your environment:
    oc login –token=XXXXX –server=https://XXXX:6443
    Note: To retrieve this command line, you can copy it by clicking your username in the banner of the OpenShift web console and by selecting Copy Login Command. Then, after logging in, you can click Display Token to display the command line that you can copy and paste.