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Shutting down z/OS virtual server instances

Before you stop or reboot a z/OS virtual server instance, you must shut down all the subsystems in the z/OS system.

Similar to deactivating a logical partition (LPAR) on a native Z system, the z/OS system must be shut down manually before it is stopped or rebooted. If the z/OS system is not properly shut down, it will result in inconsistent or corrupted data, and the system will have trouble IPLing the next time.

Before you begin

Before you shut down the z/OS virtual server instance, complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Make sure that you connect to the z/OS console by using the serial console.

  2. Notify users that the system is being shut down and ask them to log off. For example, use the operator SEND command to send a note to all TSO/E users and inform them that the system will be shut down.

    send 'The system is being shut down in five minutes. Please log off.',NOW


To shut down z/OS virtual server instances that are running on the previous version of the hypervisor, complete the following steps:

  1. To stop all the z/OS subsystems and the z/OS system, you can select one of the following approaches:

    • Use the all-in-one command on the z/OS serial console. If your z/OS virtual server instance is created from the z/OS dev and test stock image, use the following command:

      oprmsg '%netv shutsys'
    • Use separate commands to shut down each z/OS subsystem and the z/OS system in sequence.

      1. To stop the various z/OS subsystems, you can run the following operator commands sequentially. For more information, see OPERATOR command External link icon.

        P IZUSVR1
        C SSHD4
        P FTPD1
        P IZUANG1
        P SDSF
        P TN3270
        P TSO
        P PAGENT
        P CSF
        P VLF
        P LLA
        P EQAPROF
        C EQARMTD
        P RSED
        P JMON
        C RSEAPI
        C DBB
        C DBBS
        P DBGMGR
        P TCPIP
        Z NET,QUICK
      2. To stop the z/OS system, you can run the following commands after virtual telecommunications access method (VTAM), Job entry subsystem 2 (JES2), and the OMVS shell are successfully stopped.

        oprmsg 'V XCF,VS01,OFFLINE'
      3. To reply to the resulting write-to-operator-with-reply (WTOR) message, you must enter a response with the following command. The xx in the following command example is the reply number.

        oprmsg 'R NN,SYSNAME=VS01'
  2. You can stop the z/OS virtual server instance by using the IBM Cloud console now.