Checking the status of the created images with REST APIs

After the images are created, you can call the REST APIs to check the status of the created images.


Run the following command, and use the variables of your z/OS instances to replace the following italic text.
curl -k -u wibadmin:password -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'https://your_tools_server_host_name:9443/wibrest/zdtrs/appServices/application/YOUR_Z_OS_HOST_NAME?applname=testApp1-fromLinux' 

Check the field in the application level. If the message "status": "APPL_IN_PROGRESS" is displayed, it means that the image is still being extracted.

When the message "status":"APPL_AVAILABLE" is displayed, it means that the application extraction is done, and the image is ready to be used.