Upgrading watsonx.data in developer edition

An instance administrator can upgrade IBM® watsonx.data developer edition from version 1.0.x or 1.1.x to 2.0.x and 2.0.x to a later 2.0.x refresh.

watsonx.data Developer edition


Complete the following steps to upgrade watsonx.data developer edition:

  1. Set up the environment variables.
    export LH_ROOT_DIR=<install_directory>
    export LH_RELEASE_TAG=latest
    export IBM_LH_TOOLBOX=cp.icr.io/cpopen/watsonx-data/ibm-lakehouse-toolbox:$LH_RELEASE_TAG
    export LH_REGISTRY=cp.icr.io/cp/watsonx-data
    export PROD_USER=cp
    export IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY=<your_IBM_entitlement_API_key>
    export IBM_ICR_IO=cp.icr.io
    Note: Use the following table to identify the LH_RELEASE_TAG value:
    Table 1. Release tags with Software Hub versions
    Software Hub version Service instance version
    5.1.0 v2.1.0 (latest)
    The latest tag is set to v2.1.0.
    Note: For air gap installation, ensure to mirror the images to a private registry before you set the environment variables:
    export IBM_LH_TOOLBOX=<Private_registry>/cpopen/watsonx-data/ibm-lakehouse-toolbox:$LH_IMAGE_TAG
    export LH_REGISTRY=<Private_registry>/cp/watsonx-data
    export PRIVATE_REGISTRY_USER=<User login to Private registry>
    export PRIVATE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<User password to login private registry>
    If you are using Docker, run the following command:
    export DOCKER_EXE=docker
    If you are using Podman, run the following command:
    export DOCKER_EXE=podman
  2. Run the following command to stop all containers:
  3. Pull the latest bundle for upgrade.
    rm -rf /tmp/opt/dev/ibm-lh-dev-*
    id=$($DOCKER_EXE create $IBM_LH_TOOLBOX)
    $DOCKER_EXE cp $id:/opt - > /tmp/pkg.tar
    $DOCKER_EXE rm $id
  4. Run the following command to extract the watsonx.data developer version pkg.tar file into the /tmp directory.
    tar -xf /tmp/pkg.tar -C /tmp
    cat /tmp/opt/bom.txt
    cksum /tmp/opt/*/*
    tar -xvf /tmp/opt/dev/ibm-lh-dev-*.tgz -C $LH_ROOT_DIR
  5. Authenticate with the registry:
    $DOCKER_EXE login ${IBM_ICR_IO} \
    --username=${PROD_USER} \
  6. Run the setup script:
    $LH_ROOT_DIR/ibm-lh-dev/bin/setup --license_acceptance=y --runtime=$DOCKER_EXE
  7. Run the following command to restart the containers:
    Note: If you cannot save the queries or cannot see the saved queries, run the following commands in developer-installed VM terminal and then refresh the page.
    podman exec -it ibm-lh-postgres sh
    psql -h ibm-lh-postgres-svc -p 5432 -U $POSTGRES_USER -w -d ibm_lh_repo
    ALTER TABLE stored_queries ALTER COLUMN created_on drop default;
    ALTER TABLE stored_queries ALTER COLUMN created_on TYPE bigint USING EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM created_on);
    ALTER TABLE stored_queries ALTER COLUMN created_on set DEFAULT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM now());