IBM Cloud Object Storage

IBM Cloud® Object Storage stores encrypted and dispersed data across multiple geographic locations. on IBM Software Hub Developer edition

You can create an IBM Cloud Object Storage by creating an instance. For more information, see Create an instance. If you select IBM Cloud Object Storage from the Storage section, configure the following details:

Field Description
Display name Enter the name to be displayed. (The following special characters are not allowed: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + : { } < > ? ' \ ; `).
Bucket name Enter the name of your existing bucket. If you do not have an existing bucket then you can create a new bucket. For more information, see Create bucket.
Region Select the region where the storage is available.
Endpoint Enter the Endpoint URL. Test connection is enabled when the endpoint is provided.
Fetch the Endpoint by the following steps:
  • Go to IBM Cloud Console.
  • Select the service as IBM Cloud Object storage> Select your bucket.
  • Go to the Configuration tab> Click Endpoints.
  • Copy the Public endpoint address.
Create the Endpoint by the following steps:
  • Endpoints are created when bucket is configured. For more information, see Configure Endpoint.
Access key Enter your Access key.
Fetch the credentials for access key by the following steps:
  • From the Resource list page, select the name of the service to open the service details page.
  • Click Service credentials.
  • Expand the row for the required access key credential. For more information, see Viewing a credential.
Create the credentials for access key by the following steps if you do not have it:
  • Create credentials for bucket. For more information, see Service credentials.
  • Enable the HMAC toggle switch to get the Access Key and Secret Key paired for use with S3-compatible tools. For more information, see Using HMAC credentials.
Secret key Enter your Secret key.
Fetch the credentials for secret key by the following steps:
  • From the Resource list page, select the name of the service to open the service details page.
  • Click Service credentials.
  • Expand the row for the required secret key credential. For more information, see Viewing a credential.
Create the credentials for secret key by the following steps if you do not have it:
  • Create credentials for bucket. For more information, see Service credentials.
  • Enable the HMAC toggle switch to get the Access Key and Secret Key paired for use with S3-compatible tools. For more information, see Using HMAC credentials.
Connection Status Click the Test connection link to test the bucket connection. If the bucket connection is successful, a success message appears.
Associate catalog Select the checkbox to add a catalog for your storage. This catalog is associated with your storage and serves as your query interface with the data stored within.
Catalog type Select the catalog type from the list. The recommended catalog is Apache Iceberg. The other options for catalog are Apache Hive, Apache Hudi, and Delta Lake.
Catalog name Enter the name of the associated catalog. (The following special characters are not allowed: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + : { } < > ? ' \ ; `).
Create Click Create to associate the storage.