Adding row-level filtering policy

Row-level filtering allows users to access a subset of rows in a table. on IBM Software Hub

Before you begin

Ensure you have the following details:


  1. Complete the following steps.
    1. Log in to Apache Ranger by using the username and password.
    2. Go to Service Manager > service_name policies page to add a row level filter policy.
    3. In the Policy Details section, provide the policy details like name, description.
    4. In the Resources section, select the catalog, schema, and table for which the policy is applicable.
    5. In the Row Filter Conditions section, select the user (example, User1), set the Permissions to Select and enter the Row Level Filter (example, c1=1).
    6. Click Save.
  2. Complete the following steps to verify access control:
    1. Log in to instance as User1.
    2. From the navigation menu, click Query workspace.
    3. Run a simple query to access the table again, now User1 can only see rows with column c1 equal to 1 in the result.