Prerequisites for installation on Mac with Apple silicon

To install IBM® on Mac machine with Apple silicon, first install the prerequisites by either using docker with Colima or by using docker with Docker Desktop. Developer edition

Note: Docker Desktop requires a paid license, while Colima uses an open source license.

Option 1: Installing the prerequisites by using Colima with Rosetta

Open the Mac terminal and complete the following procedure:

  1. Install Brew:
  2. Install Docker:
    brew install docker
  3. Install Colima:
    brew install colima
  4. Install Rosetta:
    softwareupdate --install-rosetta
Use the following commands to set up the Colima machine:
  1. Run the following command:
    colima start machine-1 -a aarch64 --cpu 4 --memory 8 --disk 100 --vm-type=vz --vz-rosetta
    Note: If you experience problems to start the Colima machine (just after Rosetta installation), restart your computer and run the start command again.
  2. Run the following command to check whether the machine is created and is running:
    colima list
  3. Run the following command to shut off the machines that are not in use:
    colima stop <machine name> 
    Note: Only machine-1 must be running.
  4. Run the following command to start the machine if it is not running:
    colima start machine-1
    Note: Creating a Colima machine must be done only one time.

Option 2: Installing prerequisites by using Docker and enabling Rosetta support with Docker Desktop

Complete the following procedure:

  1. Install Rosetta by the following command:
    softwareupdate --install-rosetta
  2. Install Docker Desktop. For more information, see Install Docker Desktop on Mac.
  3. Enable Rosetta in Docker Desktop by the following steps:
    1. Open Docker Desktop.
    2. Go to Settings.
    3. Go to Features in Development.
    4. Check Use Rosetta for x86/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon.