Running SQL queries by using ibm-lh-client

After installing the ibm-lh-client package, you can use the utilities to run SQL queries in Developer edition on IBM Software Hub on IBM Cloud®

About this task

Complete the following steps to run an SQL query through the CLI.


  1. Establish connection with Presto engine by using the ibm-lh-client package. For more information about installation, see Establishing connection to using ibm-lh-client package utilities.
  2. Use presto-cli utility to run SQL queries directly or from inside the Presto CLI.
    bin/presto-cli --engine=<ENGINE_NAME> --catalog=<Catalog_name> <<< "SQL_query"
    bin/presto-cli --engine=<ENGINE_NAME>
    Parameter value:
    • <ENGINE_NAME>: Enter the engine name that you added.
    • <Catalog_name>: Specify the catalog name within where you want to query. (Optional)
  3. Use presto-run utility to run SQL queries.
    bin/presto-run --engine=<ENGINE_NAME> --catalog=<Catalog_name> <<< "SQL_query"
    bin/presto-run --engine=<ENGINE_NAME>
    Parameter value:
    • <ENGINE_NAME>: Enter the engine name that you added.
    • <Catalog_name>: Specify the catalog name within where you want to query. (Optional)

SQL queries using Sandbox directory

  1. Set the LH_SANDBOX_DIR mount by referring Creating a sandbox directory.
  2. Use the following command to run an SQL file from your LH_SANDBOX_DIR mount.
    bin/presto-cli --engine=<ENGINE_NAME> --file=<PATH_SANDBOX_DIR_SQL_FILE>
    bin/presto-run --engine=<ENGINE_NAME> --file=<PATH_SANDBOX_DIR_SQL_FILE>
    Parameter value:
    • <ENGINE_NAME>: Enter the engine name that you added.
    • <PATH_SANDBOX_DIR_SQL_FILE>: Specify the SQL query file location available in your sandbox directory. For example: /home/jmouse/mysandbox/sample.sql.