Creating a sandbox directory

After installing ibm-lh-client package, you can introduce a directory for your own use with the containerized utilities. Such a sandbox directory can include your SQL files, python scripts and other files that can be referenced when you use the utilities. Developer edition on IBM Software Hub on IBM Cloud®

To mount your own directory, set the LH_SANDBOX_DIR environment variable to the sandbox directory path and create a sample SQL file or python script to be run in that directory. The following steps describe the setup of sandbox directory.

  • Create the sandbox directory. For example:
    mkdir /home/jmouse/mysandbox
  • Set the environment variable to the sandbox path created in the previous step. For example:
    export LH_SANDBOX_DIR=/home/jmouse/mysandbox
  • You can now run the python scripts or SQL files in that directory using ibm-lh-client package utilities like presto-cli and presto-run.
Note: It is advised that you create a new directory that is solely meant for sharing files inside these containers. Avoid selecting directories such as your HOME as a Sandbox directory. Mounting directories such as your HOME can cause file permission changes on existing files on some operating systems or with specific container runtime.