Adding data source

You can connect to various data sources through IBM® for Presto. on IBM Software Hub Developer edition

About this task

You can register and use data sources in IBM A catalog defines the schemas and metadata for a data source.


  1. Log in to console.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Infrastructure manager.
  3. To define and connect a data source, click Add component.
  4. In the Add component window, select a data source from the Data source section.
  5. You can attach a catalog to the data source. This catalog can be associated to an engine. A catalog defines the schemas and metadata for a storage or data source. Depending on the storage type, Apache Iceberg, Apache Hive, Apache Hudi, and Delta Lake catalogs are supported.
    Note: Two data sources with the same name cannot be added.

    For more information on mixed-case feature flag behavior, supported SQL statements, and supported data types matrices, see Support content.

    Related API: For information on related API, see