Exposing the MinIO ports and generating credentials

To demonstrate or test the functioning of IBM® watsonx.data, use the embedded MinIO object store to load or store data. To access the embedded MinIO object store, you must expose the ports and generate credentials.

watsonx.data Developer edition

About this task

The embedded MinIO Object Store ports are not exposed by default. To access the embedded MinIO Object Store, you can run a script to expose the MinIO ports. Ports and MinIO credentials are generated when the script is run. Use the generated credentials to connect to the Object Store MinIO.

Note: The out-of-the-box MinIO object storage is provided for exploratory purposes only. It does not have all security features and is not configured to provide high-speed data access. You should register your own s3 storage that meet your security and performance requirements.

Use the expose-minio command to expose the embedded object store for use during development. For example, you can import data files into the storages directly by using the S3 API or compatible utilities outside the watsonx.data Developer edition's host.

The script is available in the <install dir>/ibm-lh-dev/bin path.


  1. Run the following command to expose the MinIO ports and generate credentials:

    The ibm-lh-dev/bin/expose-minio script starts the embedded MinIO Object Store container to expose the port details. Thus, the client programs outside the developer edition’s host can access these client details. It also generates the credentials to connect to that Object Store that the client programs access outside the developer edition’s host. It also generates the credentials to connect to that Object Store.

    FYI: LH_RUN_MODE is set to diag
    Minio credentials:
        username: 8518db917ed5260803e00685
        password: d0622ed45c07a8d125e4fe40
        S3 endpoint port: 9000
        Minio console port: 9001
    Note: Use the MinIO S3 endpoint port with any S3 compatible tools or use the console port on a web browser to navigate to the MinIO web console. The default URL is http://<hostname>:<MinIO_console_port>
  2. Run the following command to reset the credentials and stop exposing the ports.
    bin/start_service ibm-lh-minio