License guide for IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z

Find information about licensing and entitlements for IBM® watsonx Code Assistant™ for Z.

Note: This license guide is intended to provide only supplementary information to assist you in deploying one or more programs you have licensed from IBM within your purchased entitlement. Your license agreement (such as the IBM International Program License Agreement (IPLA) or equivalent and its transaction documents, including the license Information for watsonx Code Assistant for Z, is the sole and complete agreement between you and IBM regarding use of the program.

Purchase options for watsonx Code Assistant for Z

IBM watsonx Code Assistant uses generative AI to accelerate application modernization for enterprises. The features of watsonx Code Assistant for Z enable a developer to understand applications, explain code in natural language, refactor code into modular business services, optimize code to increase performance, transform COBOL to Java™, and validate code.

This solution includes software that runs on prem and services in the IBM Cloud®.
  • On prem and SaaS components are available in IBM Passport Advantage.
  • SaaS subscription components are recorded as local currency according to the price list, and clients can purchase the IBM Cloud credits.
Table 1. Program identifiers and license information
Program identifier License information
5900-BCE IBM watsonx Code Assistant
5900-B4M IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z
5900-B59 IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z as a Service

Deployment options

Clients have the flexibility to deploy either on prem.

Figure 1. Deployment options
Deployment options
If the purchased license obtains the watsonx Code Assistant for Z for evaluation, testing, trial (try or buy), or demonstration, then the following programs are licensed as per the license information terms and conditions.

What you are entitled to deploy, and what is included

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z license (5900-B4M) includes the base software components needed to deploy the offering. This includes the understand, refactor, optimize, and validate capabilities, which are deployed on premise. Code explanation and code transformation are add-on capabilities for watsonx Code Assistant for Z.

Supporting programs for IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z:

Charging metrics

The cost of watsonx Code Assistant for Z varies based on the components that are used.

Table 2 displays various components and metrics that are used to estimate the cost of watsonx Code Assistant for Z, including the mandatory components and their respective capabilities.

Table 2. Components and their charging metrics
Component Metrics
IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z license (on prem core components) Authorized user and virtual server
IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z Code Transformation: SaaS Tokens, authorized user, Db2® on Cloud Paygo: instance hours
IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z Code Transformation: on prem Install and Tokens
IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z Code Explanation (SaaS) Tokens and authorized user
IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z Code Explanation on prem Install and Tokens
Viewing the Usage on SaaS
If you have IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z on SaaS, you can access the usage metering on the IBM Cloud Billing & Usage Dashboard.
Viewing the Usage On Prem
If the IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z On Prem is available, then you can access the usage metering on IBM Software Central. For more details on Software Central, see the Software Central documentation for the following information:
  1. To set up your account, go to page 5
  2. To connect your data sources, go to page 8
  3. To view your usage, go to page 9

When you view watsonx Code Assistant for Z dashboard within Software Central, you can see graphs displaying your usage, measured in Resource Units.

Resource Unit conversions

Each component has a unique Resource Unit that allows for a certain amount of usage of the LLM, measured in tokens.

A token is a collection of characters that has a semantic meaning for a model. The token includes the following transformation capabilities:
  • Tokenization converts the words or an output in a prompt into tokens.
  • Prompt text is converted to tokens before they are processed by one or more foundation models.
  • The raw output from a model is represented by tokens, where the output is converted to words and displayed in the prompt editor.
  • Each line of code has a different number of tokens. However, the estimation is that transforming a line of COBOL code represents approximately 30 tokens.