- x
- A prefix that indicates the product and component.
- nnnn
- A message number that is unique in that component.
- L
- The message level:
for severe error,E
for error,W
for warning, orI
for informational
Each message in Z Validation Assistant has a unique identifier, for example, TAZTD0000I. You can refer to the specific message IDs to check the detailed information.
- TAZTD0000I
Sample log message
- TAZTD0001I
This sample log message is for no Locale.
- TAZTD0002I
This log message is {0}.
- TAZTD0003I
This log message for {0} is {1}.
- TAZTD0004I
The current directory is \"{0}\".
- TAZTD0005I
Today is {0,date}.
- TAZTD0006I
It is {0,time} now.
- TAZTD0101E
The file \"{0}\" does not exist.
- TAZTD0102E
The file \"{0}\" is not a plain text file.
- TAZTD0103E
The file \"{0}\" cannot be read.
- TAZTD0104E
The opened file \"{0}\" cannot be closed.
- TAZTD1000E
Assertion Collector test failure: {0}
- TAZTD1001E
The term is null on MacroExpander.
- TAZTD1002E
CVC3 Solver temporary directory cannot be created.
- TAZTD1003E
CVC3 Solver temporary file is null.
- TAZTD1004E
CVC3 Solver temporary file cannot be created: {0}
- TAZTD1005E
CVC3 Solver temporary file cannot be read: {0}
- TAZTD1006E
CVC3 dirTemporary is null.
- TAZTD1007E
CVC3 dirTemporary does not exist: {0}
- TAZTD1008E
CVC3 dirTemporary is not a directory: {0}
- TAZTD1009E
CVC3 dirTemporary cannot be written: {0}
- TAZTD1010E
CVC3 Solver temporary directory cannot be deleted.
- TAZTD1011E
CVC3 Assertions is null.
- TAZTD1012E
CVC3 Constraint formula file writing error: {0}
- TAZTD1013E
CVC3 Constraint formula file reading error: {0}
- TAZTD1014E
CVC3 Solver executable program cannot be found in the solver search path.
- TAZTD1015E
The CVC3 Command argument is null.
- TAZTD1016E
Unsupported term of MacroExpander: {0}
- TAZTD1017E
CVC3 File I/O error: {0}
- TAZTD1018E
CVC3 Solver private temporary directory cannot be created: {0}
- TAZTD1019E
CVC3 Solver execution is interrupted: {0}
- TAZTD1020E
CVC3 Solver execution occurs a runtime exception: {0}
- TAZTD1021E
CVC3 Solver execution occurs an error: {0}
- TAZTD1022E
S-Expression creation error: operation={0}: invalid arguments={1}
- TAZTD1023E
Instantiation error of value with unit: class for value is null.
- TAZTD1024E
Instantiation error of value with unit: constructor for value is null.
- TAZTD1100W
Constraint Solver timeout: timeout={0}
- TAZTD1101W
Z3 assertion is null. The corresponding assertion is {0}
- TAZTD1102W
Z3 assertion is null.
- TAZTD2000E
Run Symbolic Execution: terminated: {0}
- TAZTD2001E
Path Calculator Post-process failure: {0}
- TAZTD2002E
Test Data Generation: execution failure: {0}
- TAZTD2003E
Test Data Generation: writing out CSV file failure: {0}
- TAZTD2004E
Test Data Generation: writing out JSON file failure: {0}
- TAZTD2005E
Test Data Generation: writing out Summary file failure: {0}
- TAZTD2006E
Test Data Generation: reading AST file failure: {0}
- TAZTD2007E
Test Data Generation: creating output directory failure: {0}
- TAZTD2008E
Test Data Generation: The output directory does not exist: {0}
- TAZTD2009E
Test Data Generation: an exception occurs: {0}
- TAZTD2010E
Test Data Generation: unable to read the paragraph changed variables as the following file doesn't exist: {0}
- TAZTD2011E
Test Data Generation: no paragraphs in the given program
- TAZTD2012E
Test Data Generation: error on reading IMS.json
- TAZTD2013E
Test Data Generation: error on reading EIB.json
- TAZTD2014E
Test Data Generation: AST is null after parsing
- TAZTD2015E
Test Data Generation: no sections in the given program
- TAZTD2016E
Test Data Generation: creating IR directory failure: {0}
- TATTD2017E
Test Data Generation: writing IR file \"{0}\" failure: {1}
- TAZTD3000E
Intermediate Representation generation: unsupported instruction \"{0}\"
- TAZTD3001E
Intermediate Representation generation: unsupported instruction \"{0}\"
- TAZTD3002E
Intermediate Representation generation: unsupported instruction type \"{0} - {1}\"
- TAZTD3003E
Intermediate Representation generation: count mismatch of TO operands and GIVING operands
- TAZTD3004E
Intermediate Representation generation: data length mismatch
- TAZTD3005E
Intermediate Representation generation: unsupported data \"{0}\"
- TAZTD3006E
Intermediate Representation generation: file data item syntax error for \"{0}\"
- TAZTD3007E
Intermediate Representation generation: variable \"{0}\" was not found
- TAZTD3008E
Intermediate Representation generation: variable \"{0}\" was not available
- TAZTD3009E
Intermediate Representation generation: parent variable is missing for the variable \"{0}\"
- TAZTD3010E
Intermediate Representation generation: CALL using argument unsupported \"{0}\"
- TAZTD3011E
Intermediate Representation generation: unsupported term \"{0}\"
- TAZTD3012E
Intermediate Representation generation: error in SQL query, \"{0}\"
- TAZTD3998W
Intermediate Representation generation: \"{0}\"
- TAZTD3999E
Intermediate Representation generation: \"{0}\"
- TAZTD4001E
Illegal IBytePrimValue array value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4002E
Illegal IByteData value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4003E
Unsupported IIRValue was found: {0}
- TAZTD4004E
Illegal IIRValue was found: {0}
- TAZTD4005E
Illegal IAddrValue value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4006E
Unsupported IIRComValue was found: {0}
- TAZTD4007E
Illegal IIRCompValue value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4008E
Unsupported IIRCompValue was found: {0}
- TAZTD4009E
Illegal IIRCompValue value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4010E
Illegal IRValAExp1 value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4011E
Illegal IRValAExp2 value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4012E
Unsupported IRValCExp1 was found: {0}
- TAZTD4013E
Illegal IRValCExp1 value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4014E
Unsupported IRValCExp2 was found: {0}
- TAZTD4015E
Illegal IRValCExp2 value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4016E
Unsupported IRValLExp1 was found: {0}
- TAZTD4017E
Illegal IRValLExp1 value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4018E
Unsupported IRValLExp2 was found: {0}
- TAZTD4019E
Illegal IRValLExp2 value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4020E
Illegal IRValSExp1 value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4021E
Illegal IRValSExp2 value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4022E
Illegal IRValXConv value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4023E
Unsupported IIRPrimValue was found: {0}
- TAZTD4024E
Illegal ItemVal value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4025E
Unsupported RepValue was found: {0}
- TAZTD4026E
Illegal RepValue value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4027E
Unsupported IIRRawValue was found: {0}
- TAZTD4028E
Illegal IIRRawValue value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4029E
Illegal StrVal value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4030E
Illegal HexVal value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4031E
Illegal IntVal value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4032E
Unsupported RepValue was found: {0}
- TAZTD4033E
Illegal IR declaration was found: {0}
- TAZTD4034E
Illegal IR Generation was detected: {0}
- TAZTD4035E
Unsupported IR instruction was found: {0}
- TAZTD4036E
Illegal IR instruction was found: {0}
- TAZTD4063E
Unsupported PICTURE was found: {0}
- TAZTD4037E
Unsupported ITerm was found: {0}
- TAZTD4038E
Unsupported ICblConst was found: {0}
- TAZTD4039E
Illegal ICblConst was found: {0}
- TAZTD4040E
Unsupported ILeftTerm was found: {0}
- TAZTD4041E
Reference modification might not be solved: {0}
- TAZTD4042E
Unsupported IIndex was found: {0}
- TAZTD4043E
Illegal IIndex value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4044E
Unsupported IItemName was found: {0}
- TAZTD4045E
Illegal BuiltinFuncKind value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4046E
Unsupported ComparisonKind1 was found: {0}
- TAZTD4047E
Unsupported ComparisonKind2 was found: {0}
- TAZTD4048E
ValueFactory was null.
- TAZTD4049E
Illegal call graph node was found: {0}
- TAZTD4050E
Illegal control flow graph node was found: {0}
- TAZTD4051E
Illegal control flow graph edge was found: {0}
- TAZTD4052E
Illegal BigDecimal value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4053E
Illegal integer array value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4054E
Illegal String value was found: {0}
- TAZTD4055E
An illegal hex string was found: {0}
- TAZTD4056E
Branch test was failed: {0}
- TAZTD4057E
Unsupported IF instruction: {0}
- TAZTD4058E
Illegal IR instruction was found: {0}
- TAZTD4059E
IR Instruction operation was failed: {0}
- TAZTD4060E
Verification execution was failed: {0}
- TAZTD4061E
Path calculation was failed: {0}
- TAZTD4062E
Data could not be loaded: {0}
- TAZTD4064E
Illegal recorded data was found: {0}
- TAZTD4090W
Unsupported IDeclaration was found: {0}
- TAZTD4091W
Unsupported ILeftTerm was found: {0}
- TAZTD4092W
Unsupported IItemName was found: {0}
- TAZTD4093W
Unsupported IR instruction was found: {0}
- TAZTD4094W
Illegal IR instruction was found: {0}
- TAZTD4095W
Required stub data did not exist: {0}
- TAZTD4096W
Illegal recorded data was found: {0}
- TAZTD4097W
Illegal user input data was found: {0}
- TAZTD4099I
An exception is thrown: {0}
- TAZTD5000E
Constraint Solver: mapping from symbol to value is null.
- TAZTD5001E
Realistic Data Generation: parsing error of pattern definition file: {0}
- TAZTD5002E
Realistic Data Generation: pattern definition file is not specified.
- TAZTD5003E
Realistic Data Generation: pattern definition file \"{0}\" does not exist.
- TAZTD5004E
Realistic Data Generation: pattern definition file \"{0}\" is not a normal file.
- TAZTD5005E
Realistic Data Generation: pattern definition file \"{0}\" cannot be read.
- TAZTD5006E
Realistic Data Generation: pattern definition file \"{0}\" not found: {1}
- TAZTD5007E
Realistic Data Generation: pattern definition file \"{0}\" loading error: {1}
- TAZTD5008E
Data Decoder: exceptional signal: {0}: {1}
- TAZTD5009E
Data Decoder: unsupported signal: {0}: {2}
- WCZVA0005W
Metadata file not found for project "{0}", this can be fixed by linking the COBOL file to a listing file
- WCZVA0006E
Element {0} not found in tree
- WCZVA0007E
No input for Program Load Library
- WCZVA0008E
Application Library path was not found. Make sure that you created the COBOL input values before continuing.
- WCZVA0010E
Failed to Connect: {0}
- WCZVA0011E
Failed to find JVM: {0}
- WCZVA0012E
The listing file has not been linked yet to a COBOL file
- WCZVA0013E
Could not get Z Code Assistant Rest API service instance.
- WCZVA0014E
No profile was found for communicating with Zowe API
- WCZVA0016E
Failed to update launch.json: {0}
- WCZVA0017E
An item was not selected from the dialog.
- WCZVA0018E
Tree cache was not found.
- WCZVA0019E
Selected listing file compilation has errors listed: {0}
- WCZVA0020E
COBOL listing file was not compiled with TEST(DWARF) enabled: {0}
- WCZVA0021E
Selected listing file compilation had no programs listed: {0}
- WCZVA0022E
A process is in progress. Please wait until the other process is completed to proceed.
- WCZVA0024E
JDK not found during Java™ command version check
- WCZVA0025E
IBM Semeru not found during Java command version check
- WCZVA0026E
Java 17 or higher not found during Java command version check
- WCZVA0028E
Java 17 or higher not found during javac version check
- WCZVA0029E
Process timed out after {0} seconds
- WCZVA0030E
Test JDK failed: {0} error: {1}
- WCZVA0031E
API {0} call failed with code {1}: {2}
- WCZVA0032E
No API Key was set in Z Open Editor Extension
- WCZVA0033E
No API URL was set in Z Open Editor Extension
- WCZVA0034E
No authentication URL was set in Z Open Editor Extension
- WCZVA0035E
No Red Hat Java extension installed
- WCZVA0036E
No supported Java found WCZVA0037E: No workspace is open
- WCZVA0038E
Z Open Editor Extension version >= {0} is required to be installed
- WCZVA0039E
No language server API was returned from Z Open Editor
- WCZVA0040E
The path that is provided does not exist in any opened workspace. We only support paths within a workspace. Open the workspace and try again.
- WCZVA0041E
Cannot find the Java method in the selected file
- WCZVA0042E
No active editor
- WCZVA0043E
Selection {0} is not a Java method. Select a valid method to generate Java code.
- WCZVA0044E
Selected listing file compilation has errors listed: {0}
- WCZVA0045E
COBOL listing file was not compiled with TEST(DWARF) enabled: {0}
- WCZVA0046E
Selected listing file compilation had no programs listed: {0}
- WCZVA0047E
Selected listing file does not exist or is unreachable: {0}
- WCZVA0048E
No COBOL program was detected. Does the Java file "{0}" exist within "{1}"? Is the Java file within the file?
- WCZVA0049E
Error while initializing IBM Z® Open Editor.
- WCZVA0050E
Error while initializing IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z
- WCZVA0051E
Job {0} Timed Out
- WCZVA0052E
Failed to spawn process: RuntimeException encountered while running the program.
- WCZVA0053E
Failed with error code {0}: {1}
- WCZVA0055E
Zowe profile not found, create a profile by using Zowe Explorer to continue.
- WCZVA0056E
Error during Backend Service call: {0}
- WCZVA0057W
Directory selection canceled. Operation aborted
- WCZVA0058W
No test values were generated for this test
- WCZVA0059E
The process was canceled during the "{0}" step
- WCZVA1000E
Failed to serialize COBOL as an abstract syntax tree: {0}
- WCZVA1001E
Failed to serialize as a JSON abstract syntax tree
- WCZVA1002E
Unable to find Program ID from generated AST JSON file
- WCZVA1003E
Failed to save ast to file: {0}
- WCZVA2001E
Input values are missing in the tree, generate COBOL test data to resolve this issue.
- WCZVA2002E
Errors were found during execution of test generation: {0}
- WCZVA2003E
No generated test data values were found to add to the tree
- WCZVA2004E
Unable to find test data
- WCZVA2005E
No paragraph-based test inputs were generated, based on program information. Please review the COBOL in compile listing and IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z Validation Assistant output logs
- WCZVA3011E
Failed while submitting JCL {0}: {1}
- WCZVA5000E
Java test message was not found
- WCZVA5001E
Failed to export JUnits: {0}
- WCZVA5006E
Test method not found
- WCZVA5007E
Input Mapper failed to run: {0}
- WCZVA5008E
Failed to generate JUnit tests: {0}
- WCZVA5009E
Failed to compile Java: {0}
- WCZVA5010E
Failed to run JUnit tests: {0}
- WCZVA5011E
Missing COBOL output file. Expected {0} to exist
- WCZVC0002
No scripts are generated because no test IDs were found for input file {0}.
E - WCZVC0003W
{0} failures generating debug scripts.
- WCZVC0004I
Script generation resulted in {0} succeeded, {1} skipped, and {2} failed.
- WCZVC0005W
No test IDs were found in file {0}; no scripts will be generated.
- WCZVC0006I
Test ID {0} from file {1} has no outputs.
- WCZVC0007E
Exception reading input file {0}.
- WCZVC0008E
Unable to generate test ID {0} from file {1}: {2}
- WCZVC0009E
The PathLines is empty
- WCZVC0010E
FATAL: Exception writing script file {0}
- WCZVC0011E
FATAL: Expected at 3 or more arguments, have {0}
- WCZVC0012E
Unable to collect results from file {0}
- WCZVJ0001E
No JUnit is generated | No test IDs found for input file {0}
- WCZVJ0002W
{0} failures generating JUnit
- WCZVJ0003W
Resource Mapper is empty
- WCZVJ0004E
Exception reading input files.
- WCZVJ0005E
Unable to generate test ID {0} from file {1}: {2}
- WCZVJ0006E
The PathLines is empty
- WCZVJ0007E
FATAL: Exception writing JUnit file
- WCZVJ0008E
FATAL: Error generating JUnit
- WCZVJ0009E
FATAL: Exception reading the config file
- WCZVJ0010E
FATAL: Expected at 8 or more arguments, but have {0}
- WCZVJ0011E
FATAL: Method {0} not found in class {1}
- WCZVJ1000E
FATAL: Expected 6 arguments, but have {0}
- WCZVJ1001E
FATAL: Error generating resource mapper. {0}