Uninstalling IBM AD
Learn how to uninstall IBM® Application Discovery for IBM Z®.
- Before starting the uninstall process, make sure that all IBM AD Build and IBM AD Analyze clients are closed.
- Uninstall the products in the exact order in which they are presented below.
- As a general note, understand that Force the Deletion option deletes all the contents of a specific folder, meaning that configurations are lost.
- After IBM AD Build Client is uninstalled make sure to reboot the workstation.
- In case you are upgrading and need to uninstall first, make sure to back up the configuration information. For more details on upgrading, go to Upgrading.
- Uninstall IBM
AD:Under Windows
- Stop all services that are related to IBM AD Batch Server,
Configuration Server:
- IBM AD Batch Service
- IBM AD Configuration Service
- IBM AD GraphDB Service
- Click Start and then select .
- Alternative CLI uninstall: open a command line in Installation Path\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery
Intelligence\Uninstall and run the following
java –jar uninstaller.jar -cki
- Stop all services that are related to IBM AD Batch Server,
Configuration Server:
- Uninstall IBM AD Analyze Client: To uninstall IBM AD Analyze Client: Go to Installed Software tab, select all the components that start with Application Discovery then click Uninstall. The Uninstall dialog window presents the list of components that will be uninstalled: Click Finish to start the uninstall process. . In the About Eclipse SDK dialog window: Click Installation Details. In the Eclipse SDK Installation Details dialog window: From the